Ch. 6: The slammer

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Fox loved scouting the perimeter. It was one of her favorite jobs; she loved the solitude and silence. Logan was making her job very difficult. "What do you think this building used to be? Why do you think it's abandoned? Maybe it's haunted. How cool would that be?" Logan was getting very trying. And that was saying something.

"Logan." she hissed. "Please stop talking and keep looking for that sword."

Fox has a reputation for being able to withstand a lot of pressure before she snapped. They always sent the most ornery students to her class, and she would straighten them out. But back in her knife throwing class, she was the supreme authority. Here, with Logan, she didn't have any authority at all. She couldn't make him do drills or sprints if he aggravated her. Maybe that's why he tested her patience so much.

She took out one of her throwing knives and began to twirl it aimlessly in her fingers. The simple motion always calmed her nerves.

Logan and Ace continued to chat. She wished it were Xander and Kane with her; the three of them made a good team. It hadn't always been true, but the last few years, the three of them learned to run like a well oiled machine. But, alas, Xander was stuck in an elevator with Ro, and Kane couldn't get them out with three people looking over his shoulder so he'd ordered them away. It was a rare thing that Kane, who was so socially awkward he usually didn't say much in front of strangers, would boss someone around, much less raise his voice. But he'd been very worried about Xander so they all cut him some slack and did what he'd told them to do.

Over Logan's chattering, she picked heard a small echo of footprints somewhere to her left. She strained to hear anything else, but Logan was too loud. And if she could hear a quiet footstep, then they could most definitely could hear Logan's loud monologue.

"I wonder is there are any hobos in here? This is literally the perf-" Fox clapped her hand over Logan's mouth and slammed him against the wall. A piece of the peeling paint fell into Logan's hair. Ace immediately jumped into action, but she held up a finger, silencing him.

"Shhh! I heard something." Fox hissed. Giving Logan a hard look, she made a show of releasing her hand, demanding him to stay silent with her eyes. When he nodded his confirmation, she fully released her hand from his mouth.

A flashlight beam from around the corner set them all on edge. They started backing up very quietly, but quickly. They made it to the end of the hallway. Just when Fox thought they might actually escape.

There had never been a worse time to sneeze.

Both Fox and Logan turned to glare at Ace, who wore a mortified expression on his face, before the three of them took off running, someone hot on their heels. The three of them sprinted down the opposite hallway, leading whoever was chasing them away from Kane, Xander and Ro. They dashed into a door marked 'Stairs' in peeling painted block letters. They tore up the steps, making way towards the fourth floor.

Throwing open the door, they were met by a police officer and a growling brown german shepherd. Normally, Fox was a huge dog person, but seeing this one snarling at her, she almost changed her mind. They turned around to see the other officer who'd been chasing them was closing in from behind them. They were trapped. Well this was just fantastic.

Fox wasn't sure about her two comrades, but she knew that she could have easily have fought her way past the two guards, and even the dog, but demigods had a strict, no fighting mortals policy. In theory, Fox had agreed with it, but second guessed herself now.

Logan tried to duck under the police officer, (the one without the dog), but the middle aged man was quicker than he looked and slammed him against the wall face first. She almost felt sorry for the imp. Almost.

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