Ch.19: Fox hates Men's bathrooms

Start from the beginning

Ro was drenched from head to toe, but not the least bit cold. She was unconscious and looked like she would stay that way for a while. He dried the rest of the off too when he was finished. Logan moved to check on Ro again, and Kane was thankful that at least one of them was able to properly function.

Gods, she was absolutely covered in blood. Part of her Poseidon powers that didn't normally allow her to get wet must have prevented all the blood from washing away in the frigid water like it should have. Big, crimson handprints stained the shoulders of her sweatshirt. As far as he could tell, she was relatively unharmed except for a broken rib and a hand that looked horribly burned. It was healed enough that it was just pink with a few large blisters shaped like bubbles. She clutched Xander's sword in one hand, the other held her spear.

Kane finally sat up, still breathing heavily as tears quietly etched their way down his cheeks. "We need to call Fox."

Deciding Logan was probably the best for the job, he fished around his backpack for a drachma. When he found the golden coin, he tossed into one of the many rainbows caused by the falls.

"Oh, Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please show me Ace and Fox."



So due to an unfortunate mistake, I posted the chapter below without first posting the chapter above. Kane's little chapter was originally a part of chapter 18, so it got skipped when posting. So I just posted it here. 

Keep reading for more ;)



Fox had a bad feeling about splitting up. For one, she didn't want to be alone with Ace . It's not that she still hated him or anything, but ever since she'd opened up to him and then woken up next to him, it had been awkward between them. Not that he had brought it up again or made fun of her, but Fox just didn't know how to act around him. It was like he would look at her and all of a sudden she didn't know what to do with her limbs and she forgot how to talk.

No. It was better to stick with Xander and Kane. They were the older brothers she'd never had. Well, Xander was technically a few months younger than her, but he more than made up for it in size and personality so Fox just let him call her his little sister.

Xander also spoiled her and Kane by buying them tons of souvenirs whenever he'd gone on trips with his mortal mom and twin younger sisters. She had like a million post cards he'd sent her from his family road trips they'd taken. Even now she tried not to smirk as he handed her a little key-chain with a fox on it. He'd gotten a second one to match hers and had fastened it to his sword sheath along with a keychain with a picture of a squirrel on it. He informed her that the squirrel was supposed to represent Kane. Kane wasn't amused as he had a terrifying fear of the small 'rodentine devils that are trying to take over the world' as he called them.

"For you." She smiled and took the trinket, her eyes focused on his shoes. She couldn't force herself to look at him. She was still so ashamed at the way she'd spoken to him at the high school. She tried to apologize but the words clogged in her throat.

"I think splitting up is a mistake." Fox made her point again though she was fairly sure no one was listening to her.

 Xander sighed again and explained for the third time. "It makes sense. If we all go down in those caves we'll be fish in a barrel if someone comes in from behind. We need someone guarding our six."

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