"thank you"

"Anything for you" he said.

He and a John talked some more and waited for willow and elliot to come. It passed about fifth teen minutes till willow came through the door. Harry was now laying new to me k. The hospital bed with our hand intertwined with each other and harry was giving me little kisses. I looked at both willow and elliot there faces where shocked it really was funny.

"You made it guys" I said.

"Hey iris, Mr. Holmrd Did we interrupt something" she said while wiggling her eyebrows

"No and you can call my John while out of school Mr. Holmes makes me sound old" he replied.

"Ok John . So iris what did you want to tell us" she asked.

"Please come sit you two" I said.

"Ok" she replied.

Willow and elliot walked to the two chairs that where on the side of the bed and sat down. I was kinda nervous to tell them because I keep. this a secret for a long time and never told my best friends.

"Ok iris what did you want to talk about" Willow asked.

"I haven been telling you guys the truth for awhile I've been keeping it a secret" I started.

"go on" elliot said.

"ok let me start by saying I only did it because I knew if I told you two you would treat my different like I was really a flower and I wanted to tell you when I was ready" I said.

I took a deep breath before speaking again.

"ok I'm just going to come out and say it" I said.

"come on iris we won't get made at you we will under stand that you keep what ever it is a secret" willow said sounding irritated.

"I know. Okay I have cancer" I replied.

"since when?" Elliot asked.

"since I was twelve years old" I replied.

No one said nothing else after that there was complete silence.

"now for another secret"

"ok tell us" willow said.

"me and John are dating and I love him"

"I love you to iris" John said.

"tell us something we don't already no" elliot said.

"aw so cute"willow said having a what I like to call a otp attack.

Harry gave me a little peck on the lips then gave me a hug.

"why haven't you told me before iris that you where dating the new hot British teacher"she said.

"I'm right here"elliot said.

"I know boo bear" willow replied.

"how long has it been going on" elliot asked.

"about a two weeks I think" John replied.

"wow iris you got a catch" willow said.

"yeah and one last thing" I said.

"what is it" willow said.

I"tomorrow I'm going going to be having surgery to remove the tumor and there going to see if it's going to stop spreading" I said.

"well me and willow will come and see you after if your feeling better" elliot said.

"yeah" willow added.

"I love you guys" I said.

"I love you to" willow said.

"me to" elliot added.

All three of us hugged at the same time like the good old days. All of us talked and laughed for the rest of the time they where there once they left we exchange our good byes and me and John just stayed and watch some movies on his iPad on Netflix. We where I each other's arm and fell asleep on the hospital bed. John was holding me and playing with my hair and I fell into a deep sleep.

*next day*

After one of the nurses shaved my head bald they told me that there going to roll me into the surgery room once the doctor was ready. My parents talked to me before the surgery. Once the doctor was ready they rolled me into the room there where machines all over the place. I was under a bright light while the nurses and doctors did something's around the room.

One of the nurses walked up to me a told me she was going to put the gas mask in so I can pass out. Once she put it over my mouth she told me to count backwards from ten out Loud so I did.







Before I could finish the number five I passed out into a deep sleep. In my dreams I was floating around a dark room trying to get out but I didn't know what I was trying to get away from.

Iris (Teacher/Student)Where stories live. Discover now