I tell them all about my conversation with Missouri, what she told me about the guys, and more about my upcoming fight with a demon. I stop speaking and look around the table. Cara looks confused, Bella, well I can't really decipher her expression. Matt looks disappointed. I look at him.

"Well, hell, I was really hoping I was going to get a shot at Chocolate Thunder. I was really hoping he was going to bat for my team." He says with a grin. I just look at him incredulously, a small smile forming on my face.

"I'm confused." Cara begins, "All three?"

"Apparently so." I tell her with a shrug.

"What is that even? How does that work?"

"I did some research. It's called polyamory, and it's more common than I thought it was. There are a couple of groups I'm in on Facebook where people talk openly about their poly relationships. I'm just worried about the public aspect of it. What are people going to think? I'll get called names. You know it will happen."

"Is nobody going to address the elephant in the room?" Bella asks.

"What do you mean?" Matt asks.

"The fact that Kriss donated an organ to Jess, saving her life. Also the fact that it's something we never knew."

Oops. I look sheepishly at her. Her face is red from anger.

"Please calm down. It isn't something Kriss wanted people to know. You know how she was. The biggest heart on the planet, but be damned if anyone knew about it." I state simply. She deflates a little, and her shoulders sag.

"You're right. It was just a bit, um, upsetting to find something like that out."

"I get it. I'm sorry you're just now finding out. We were just trying to abide by her wishes. Now, back to my problem at hand. Should I go for it? Should I take this lady at her word, despite knowing about Kriss, and give being with all three of them a chance?" I look expectantly at everyone.

"I think you should go for it. You've got three smexy men just waiting for you, from what you told us about your talk with Dane. Give it a shot. What do you have to lose?" Matt advises with a wink.

"I think you should try, just to see what happens." Cara adds. "But I think you should only date each of them one at a time first. Maybe one will jump out as a clear winner for your feelings, and you won't have to worry about what people might think. People date multiple people at once all the time, so that isn't so unusual." She ends nearly on a whisper, an indiscernible look in her green eyes.

I look at her for another beat before looking at Bella. As before I can't tell what she is thinking. It takes a full thirty seconds of looking at her before a smile starts to spread across her face.

"I say fuck what other people think. You do you, babe. You know I have never given two fucks about other people's opinion about anything to do with my life." Relief floods through me at her words. I look at Memaw with a hopeful expression. Her opinion mattered the most to me.

"Memaw, what do you think?" I ask. She reaches over and takes both of my hands in hers, a serious expression on her face.

"Peanut, I want you to be happy in life and nothing else. You do whatever it takes to keep a happy life. If three handsome young men are what do it for you, I say go for it. Just don't be surprised if I live vicariously through you." She ends on a joke and I just laugh. I lean over and hug her.

"Thanks everyone. I appreciate all your support." I get up and go into the other room to retrieve my phone. I look down and see I have nine new messages. I unlock it and pull up my message app. My heart starts to beat a little faster.

SAM: Dane told us that we can text you now. I'm glad. Can I take you out soon? I would love to show you a good time.

SAM: Just let me know the time and date and I will be there. ;)

LEO: I can't believe I finally get to contact you. I have been dying ever since we dropped you off. You were constantly on my mind.

LEO: Can I take you to dinner sometime soon? I really want to get to know you better.

LEO: If I'm coming on too strong let me know. I'm just really excited.

DANE: I told the guys they were free to contact you. Have you got any messages yet? LOL. I'll call you tomorrow. TTYL

The other messages were the others letting me know they were on the way. Why Cara and Bella both felt the need to let me know, when they rode together, I don't know. I have a seat on the couch, my lips turned up in a small smile, and prepare to answer all the messages. My heart is light as i type. This is going to be an adventure and I am completely prepared to start it.

Hunter Academy - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now