chapter 30

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"what are you talking about? " I stared at my brother like he's losing his mind.

"if I heard him right, he's asking you to travel with him tomorrow " Nana answered giving my brother the same confuse look I'm giving him.

"I'm coming with you too!! "walida dropped the book she was reading and turned her attention to us. Here i was thinking she's not hearing a word.

"All of you, go out" his voice stern and they all left without further argument.

He turned his attention to me when the last of them disappeared through the door.

"I'm going to visit aunty Aisha for two days and send them the wedding invitation. I think you should come with me"

"I don't know that the wedding invitations are ready and do you have to go all the way and give them? "

,"there are other things I have to take care of, we are leaving tomorrow, I already told mom and dad "

"why do I have to go with you? "

"Dee, I don't like seeing you like this, you are not yourself. I think you need a breathe of fresh air. Think, clear your mind and you can decide what you want to do. I think you should be away from all this even if it's just two days "

Running away won't make everything go away


Maybe it's what I needed right now!

"what about my husband? I can't go without letting him know. It's not right "

"I'll call him Dee, Afterall it's just two days. "

"Jidda, you should get ready. He's coming to pick you. You can't come all the way to kaduna and be sleeping "

"I'm not sleeping Aunty Aisha, I'll be ready in thirty, maybe having a big brother is not a good idea?

She chuckled before patting my back

"your brother loves you a lot, you are lucky to have such a brother as him"

"very lucky indeed "

"get up and do something with yourself I'm going back to the kitchen "


I groaned tiredly before sitting on the bed. Maybe coming here was a bad idea. I'm not even fully recovered. I left town but my problems did follow me. It feels even worse. It feels like I'm being farther away from him every minute. Now I'm not even in the same city as him. I miss him a lot. I miss him everyday. The more the time passes, the more I feel the pain. It's still the same as the day it happened. I kept going back to his letter until memorized each and every word. That day I texted him. I texted him that I'll see him soon. I knew he'll be waiting, I'm not a fan of waiting so I didn't want him to keep waiting. I texted him and switched off the phone. The baby inside me is a constant reminder of him. He deserves to know earlier. I couldn't tell him over the phone. I planned on meeting with him when I feel a little better and now here I am in kaduna with my brother. I thought the purpose of coming here is to clear my head and think but my mind is always in a jumble mess. My mind won't agree with my brain.

I quickly took a shower and changed. I love wearing my black Arabian gown and veil mostly because I love black colour and it takes less time to dress. I added my powder and lip balm before taking red flats. O entered the living room the same time my brother came in.

"Glad you save me the waiting Dee, let's go "

"where are we going again?"

"to get fresh air, and yeah, to visit a friend's house "

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