chapter 7

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I turned to look at Adeel. He is looking ahead. His entire concentration is on driving. Just then I realized I have never seen him happy. Is his life that sad? Is he that lonely? What could have possibly made him this way?

"Please take care of him and make him move away from his past. He deserved to be happy." Mother in-law's words ring in my head. How am I supposed to do that? How can be able to tolerate him? Is not like he will ever let me in. Will he?

"Why are you staring at me like that? Am I that good looking?" The devil asked giving me a pointed look.

I didn't realize I have been staring at him all this while." You look horrible I replied." Turning to look at the window.

"You are lying! You have been staring for a while." He answered full of himself.

"I was only staring because I have never seen someone as ugly as you. "

"You are so boring." he replied instead.

"You are not serious. Boring Is that dungeon of your house. My life turned to boredom since I stepped my foot inside it." I almost shouted Suddenly getting annoyed.

"I think it is because you are not doing your duties as a wife. All you have been doing is lazing around."

"What?" I asked my mouth hanging open. What is he talking about now? You never know what Is coming out of his mouth.
I didn't realize the car has stopped.

"Hey! Aren't you coming out? You can sleep in the car if you want. "

"What?" I asked getting out of the car.

"Cook Indomie for me I am hungry." He casually spoke. As if he has been doing that all his life.

"What?" I asked looking blankly at him.

"Have you lost your hearing or have you gone crazy?" I said to. Cook. Indomie. For. Me. He replied stating each word separately making his way to the living room.

I followed him inside. Annoyed at his bossy attitude. "What makes you think I will do it?" I asked.

"I am doing the one doing you a favour here." He replied calmly. He is the one doing me a favour? Yeah right favour! He will surely see favour. I look up at him. "Okay I will cook it for you." He didn't reply and just nodded his head. What does he think of me? He really did not know me.

In less than 30minutes am done cooking. I picked up a plate and fork. Putting it inside the plate I made my way to the living room placing the plate before him I moved back and sat on the sofa waiting for him to eat.

"You can go" he ordered.

"I will when I want to." I replied back.

He didn't say a word. He picked the fork and loaded the Indomie. He must have been hungry. He begins to chew when he turned to me with and angry look. Mouth hanging open.

I returned a sweet smile instead." That is what you call a little hard and salty other than that I think this Indomie Is fine."

His look hardened. I most have angered him more than I intended to. The moment I saw him rising I leapt and ran to my room locking the door behind.

"Open the door he banged. Just open it."

"I am not stupid" I shouted back.

"You were stupid enough to try that. Just open it."

Of course I will not make the mistake of opening it.

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