chapter 12

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I craned my neck to look at the clock behind me one more time.
11:53. Could he have died in his room? Maybe I should have checked. Having woke up with a new found energy today. I finished my choir and cooking breakfast early around eight. Even though today is Saturday having no work. I thought he will come out to have breakfast. I heard him when he came back from morning prayer and went to his room. Since then he didn't come out. Making up my mind I decide to go and check on him.
Standing at his door I'm hesitant on knocking. What will I tell him when he comes out? My hand reacted before my brain and I found myself knocking. I didn't hear the sounds of footsteps my mind going overdrive with the possible scenario going in my head. The door jerked open startling me and making me take a step back. I composed myself and look up at him standing at the door eyes looking at me demanding for an explanation.

"What do you need?" He asked rudely. Staring at me his gaze making me uncomfortable.

"You didn't come out for breakfast and it's almost noon so, I..."

"So what?" He asked cutting me off. His cold demeanour is back. Completely different from the Adeel of last night. I stared at him mouth agape not knowing what to do. I have completely make a fool of myself. I shouldn't have come here in the first place.

"I thought you are sick or something. I actually.. "I don't even know what to say.

"It's none of your business. Don't come knocking at my door ever again. He turned to go back inside when I stopped him."

"Don't you think your words are hash? What do you think of yourself?" My voice laced with anger. How dare he!

"Who cares? You are the one that came knocking at my door!"

"Yeah right!" I mumbled to myself as I turned back making my way to the living room. I kicked the cushion. Sitting down and Puting my head in my hands. How long am I going to live with this? The sound of his door cracked open and his footsteps sound closer. He came into the living room flopping down on the sofa next to me he took the remote control and switched the TV. I turned my face away from him. I won't leave because of him. I will just pretend that he is not here. The repeated knocking on the door made me jump to a sitting position. Before I could get up adeel beat me to the door opening it. My eyes are fixed at the entrance wondering who the visitor is. "You guys!!" I shrieked jumping up and running to the door I pushed adeel falling into the arms of Nana. I hugged her dragging my body away to hug them one after the other. I couldn't express my happiness this moment. The girls start to giggle making funny faces. "Surprise!" Finah shouted in a high pitch voice. Have I ever been this happy before? As I stare at the four girls standing at my door smiling like a maniac. "Are you going to let us in or not?" Maryam asked crossing her hands over her chest. I playfully punched her as we make our way to the living room. I was about to sit when Walida jumped on me knocking me over. "I missed you" she squealed. "Are you trying to hug me or kill me?" I asked trying to move her hands around my neck.
She laughed and released me.
Feenah and Walida are my cousins. Maryam and Nana are my two junior sisters.

"We are your visitors don't you think you should welcome us with some refreshments?" Nana started rolling her eyes in a playful manner. Well what can I say about her? She is dramatic.

"I'm about to cook lunch. But since you guys are here, I'm handing over."

"We didn't come here to cook for you lazy!" Maryam and Feenah shouted at the same time.

"I'm not the only one that thinks she's lazy". I turned to look at Adeel who is still standing at the door watching us. I totally forgot him. He walked toward us smiling.

"Ina wuni (good afternoon) "they started greeting him one after the other clearly embarrassed that didn't take notice of him. What can I say? They are always this crazy.

"Who do we have here?" He asked directing his question to me.

"My cousins" I replied pointing at Feenah and Walida and my "sisters" now pointing at Nana and Maryam

He smiled at them nodding his head. What is wrong with him? Is he having mood swings? His mood swings are worse than that of girls.

The knocking on the door stopped me from thinking further. Who could possibly be coming here? "Let me check," I told Adeel as I quickly pass him and made my way to the door. Opening the door, Nawal squealed and hugged me "Aunty jidda!" Asma smiled coming behind her with Abba following her. Right now, right here, I concluded that today is going to be great.

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