chapter three

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It has been an entire week since I have been here. An entire week of boredom. An entire week of loneliness. I thought this was going to be easy but no. Am starting to get frustrated. How could a person be so mean. Ignoring you all the time like you don't exist. My patience is starting to wear out. Apart from my sisters that came to see me . And a few of his family coming over and introducing themselves. Or the phone calls I recieve from family and friends .that stone is unaware of my existence in this house. Even though we meet a few times for the sake of living in the same house. We barely talk. I have never seen him smile. It's not like I am hoping to. I miss home. I miss my sisters. I miss all the things I use to do at home. This house is worst than a dungeon. Memories of home started flooding in my head. I dint realise that tears are running down my face.

"Jidda! Jidda! Jidda. What happened? Why are you crying?" Adeel asked. (that is my so called husband's name) I don't know when he got here. I must have zone out.

"Am not crying! "

"But you are! If you are not crying what are you doing then? "He asked frowning his face.

"That is my way of laughing" I replied. My voice full of sarcasm.

And he smiled! A beautiful smile that releases two set of dimples.

"You surely have a nice way of laughing." He said. Flopping down to sit next to me on the sofa.

"So tell me why you are laughing. It must be something really funny to make you laugh like that."

What is wrong with him? Is he a bipolar? All of a sudden he wants to talk to me.

"I want to go home."

"You want to what? Is that why you are laughing so much?"


"You can't go."

"And who are you to tell me not to go?"

"Your husband! You are my wife. And a new bride for that matter. That is why you are supposed to stay at home."

Your husband. You are my wife. This words made my heart skip a beat. But I won't let him get to me.

"You are impossible!" I retorted

"You are not going anywhere. Say what ever you want."

"You are evil! "

"I am what? " He asked voice laced with anger. Eyes turning into slits. As he made his way harbouring over me. "What did you just say?" He asked. His face a few inches away from mine. His breath fanning my face. Panic began to set in. Why is he like this all of a sudden. He looks very scary. As my eyes began to pool with tears.

"N..n.. Nothing." I stammered.

"Nooo!! You are very much right. I am evil. So stay as far away from me as you can." With that he marched to his room. Living me shocked and confused. That did not just happened!!

Hello guys!! How about the next chapter in Adeel's POV??

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