chapter 20

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I dip the yam inside the egg turning it round and round before I almost threw it into the frying pan. Like I care what he did. I don't really care what he thinks or does with his life.

That ugly tall man. Okay, let me not lie to myself. But I'm not going to admit that he is handsome and I find him attractive. I'm not going to admit that I care a little what he does with his life. I'm not going to admit I like being around him when he is all smiles and carefree.

But why would he just slammed the door and leave me there without an explanation. I'm not a fool to not know it has to do with usman's comment. He should not be angry with me when I am not the person that said it. I thought we are making progress.

Is it about his ex wife? If he still love her then why did they get divorced? Maybe she wasn't able to put of with his damn mood swings. Haha! That's definitely it. May be not.

I remembered the first time I met him. I myself have actually denied all the proposals that came my way because of one thing or the other. It's either because I don't like the person, the one that's too old for me, the one with the protruding belly or the villager.

I know I did advised many girls to marry someone with a beautiful heart and someone that loves them not to go for looks and so on and I found myself doing the exact opposite.

Does that make me a hypocrite?

I definitely don't want to know the answer to that.

When I was asked to see Adeel i was annoyed and angry my parents are starting to set me up for an arrange marriage.

My mom said she's tired of my childish games and I have to grow up.
She's starting to get worried.

When I began the water works her eyes had softened and she has hugged me telling me that they are not forcing me. I should see him at least and they would respect my decision if I don't want to. But she added her advices indirectly coaxing me to accept him. I felt guilty that they are so worried about me.

When I went to see him I have imagined thousands of scenarios in my head. Is he old enough to be my uncle? Maybe skinny. Fat? Belly like that of my pregnant aunt? Maybe some ustaz with a beard.

I wasn't expected to see a tall handsome devil. And worst he rejected me first. I'm the one that always does the rejecting and he just rejected me like that. I was both angry and disappointed not because I want him to.

But I didn't let it show. Who did he think he is?

I frowned at the memory as i concentrate on making breakfast. I finished earlier than usual and set the table before going to take a shower. I get dressed in my thigh length yellow long sleeve dress and a pair of skinny black jeans. I piled my hair on top of my head in a neat bun and covered it with a black head tie. I applied powder and nude lipstick before wearing my slippers and going back to the dining table.

It is the smell of his perfume that alert me of his presence before i even see him.i dragged the chair facing him and sat down.

"Good morning." He greeted in a deep voice that is all male.

"Morning." I replied without looking at him as i concentrated on getting food in my plate.

"How was ur night?"

"It is fine." I replied as i sipped on my coffee. I felt his eyes burning holes in my head and raised my head and gave him the what is your problem look?

He opened his mouth and closed it. It seems like he doesn't want to talk so i just ignored him and continued with my very delicious breakfast.

Im sorry."
Did i heard him correctly?

"I am sorry jidda."

"Uhum." I nodded my head and continued eating.

"Didn't you heard me?"

"I heard u clearly."

"I just apologised to you and you ignoring me?"

"I don't know what to say" i replied instantly.

"Stop acting like a damn spoilt brat." He slammed his fist on the table.

That got me.

"I'm not the one acting like a damn spoilt brat. Its you. I'm trying to put up with your mood swings.i thought we are becoming better." Standing up i moved away from the table. "I cant do this if you are like this." I made the mistake of looking into his eyes. He is not angry but furious at my little outburst that he caused.

"Did. You. Just. Say. My.mood.swings?' he asked as he took menacing steps toward me. I walked back until i made contact with the wall behind me.

"I'm asking you."

I tried to shake off how much he intimidated me.

"You heard me." I tried to sound confident. And it is the truth. I almost Stuttered but i didn't.

The tall creature moved and leaned down until our forehead is almost touching.

"You think i have mood swings?" He wishpered tauntingly and daring me to answer.

The words left my mouth completely. My very own voice betrayed me.

I nodded my head.

"Good. He rasped in a tone that chill my entire being. You are right. Because my mood has just changed."

He joined our foreheads and i felt his lips on mine. He kissed me!

I know its very short and i havent
Updated in a while. Bear with me i have been both lazy and busy.

Next chapter is coming up soon!!

Love you all

Married To Mysterious Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora