chapter one

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Tears kept falling from my eyes. A whole sea of them. Placing my head against my knees I continue to sob silently. My head is throbbing from all the crying it feels So heavy and so is my heart. How could this happen to me?i am married! I am married. But why don't I feel it? How could I be married to that cold hearted devil. I supposed you are supposed to be happy when you get married. It should be special. But no, not in my own case. I don't feel special I feel dead. I felt someone hugged me from the back.
"It's going to be okay. You are stronger than that. Everything will be fine." Ameera whispered to me while gently rubbing my back.

I raised my head and looked at her with teary eyes. I shake my head from side to side indicating "no" nothing is going to be fine here.

She turned to look at the girls and then looked back at me and they started getting up. I instantly grabbed her by the hand. "Don't leave me here. Please don't meera.You are not going to leave me here please take me with you." I rose from the bed to follow her but she pushed me back down. putting both hands on my shoulders.

"You can't follow us jidda, you are married and insha Allah everything will be fine. Put your trust in Allah. your husband can be coming anytime from now. We have to go." Ameera stated. looking me in eyes.

"We promised to come visit you soon InshaAllah." Nabila said smiling and gave me a hug. I hugged her back. She pushed her body away from mine. "Let's go" she told the girls.

They all came to give me a hug one after the other. Cracking jokes in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere.

They all left and everything went still. silence engulfed the room. I feel scared and nervous. What am I supposed to do? Should I lock the door? Should I pretend to sleep? What do I do? Think! Think! I am scared and a nervous mess. what to do?

Tap tap tap.... I could hear the sound of footsteps getting louder and louder by the second. My eyes glued to the door my heart ready to leap out. The knob twisted. And I could feel my heart literally leaping out of me.

In came the tall creature. I bend my head down to avoid looking at him. He stood at the door not moving. My heart beat accelerated and I desperately want this moment to end. Silence engulfed the room once again. I closed my eyes hoping he will disappear the moment I open them but no, he is still here. Standing there with no intention of moving. I have never felt this awkward in my 18years of life.

"You look like you just shot a horror scene." He stated, his voice cold. "Is marrying me that bad?"

Am I supposed to answer to that? I frowned. What is wrong with him?

"Listen to me carefully. Because I won't want to have to repeat this to you in any situation." He stated in a voice that a strict teacher will use when warning a student.

What is with him? I thought. Why suddenly? I slowly raised my head to look at him. His face is expressionless. He looks calm.

"I dont care if you are living in this house but don't you ever show your face to me. Stay as far away from me and don't touch my things."

What a relief!

"Did you say something he asked?" I did not realised I said that loud. "Nothing" I replied.

"Good." With that he went out. I am beyond relieved. All my fears and nervousness disappeared.
I quickly got up. And made my way to the door which I assume is a toilet. Indeed I was right I made my way to the sink opening the tap I flashed some water on my face. And made my way back to the bed. Removing my earring and bangles I place them on the mirror. Taking off my veil. I laid on the bed. already tired from the events of these few days. Before I know it sleep engulfed me and I surrendered to darkness. Not knowing what tomorrow might hold.

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