Part 57: Hysterical Shock

Start from the beginning

She couldn't stop sobbing.

This is the first time I saw Kara cry out like this. The worst cry Kara ever did that I know of was when Gus Waters died in that movie. She stuffed her mouth with cocoa puffs while tearing up her eyes and sniffing her snot so loud I swear she could've a sniffed the entire bowl of her snack. And that was her worst cry-face ever...

Until now.

She sobbed compulsively and she wailed like crazy that her tears flowed non-stop like Niagara falls. I can't blame her. I would probably be worse had it been me in her place right now and someone I care so much about got hurt like this. But she's got to stop, if she won't she'll probably cry out all of her body fluids and drown everybody else in it.

"Excuse me miss medic... can you please sedate my cousin?...she just can't stop crying," I called out the attention of a paramedic nearby who was helping the others tend to Mike's injuries.

God, what a mess these people got themselves into.

"Okay... Hold her down for me, just in case she fights off," the paramedic said after intently studying Kara's state of being.

I hugged Kara, keeping her face away from the paramedic who was about to stick a needle to her. If anything, Kara hates needles big time and if she sees this gal right here stick it to her, another version of hell will probably break loose.

"What the..." the paramedic said.

I saw what happened too. The needle from the syringe broke in half just as she was to prick Kara's arm with it. It's either the needle was too thin and small or Kara's extreme agitation made her flesh tense so hard, prickly thin little things can't penetrate.

"Guess I need a larger one," she picked up another with way larger needle, triple the size of the previous one, and punched it in at Kara's arm with deliberate force.

Kara seemed like she didn't feel anything at all, she just kept on sobbing so loud I almost thought the sedative used was not taking effect on her. But then, few minutes later I felt Kara's body relaxed a tiny bit though she's still hiccuping her cries. About a couple more minutes of endless flow of tears in her face, she finally started to slump and quiet down. Then, the paramedic whom I heard was called Brett pulled out a stretcher and helped me put Kara in it.

"What's her name, your cousin?" She asked.

"Kara... Kara Danvers, the one over there who got shot, she's our friend Lena, Lena Luthor, also, she's Kara's girlfriend... That's why the crazy cry-out-loud fit happened," I babbled like an idiot. Guess I'm in a hysterical shock too, idiotic style.

Paramedic scribbled something on her chart thingy then said, "We'll take your cousin Kara to the city med as well and put her under observation. You can come with but first, contact her parents or guardian then fill out this form,"

"Okay... thanks," I said.

"Hey... the cops are asking for official statements, are you okay to give any? I mean, we're already here in the middle of all this so might as well..." Winn came from behind me looking like a total mess just like everybody else.

"Where's Maggie?"

"Giving statement already. Furious. She might look calm but I can tell from the sound of her voice she's angry,"

"Who isn't, Winn? Lena's life is on the line, her best friend, and it's because of her grandfather. She feels so much guilt it makes her angry. Her grandfather's a walking incarnate of trouble, made a mess so huge it dragged everybody in it like a wormhole sucking the planets off its orbit," honestly I feel angry too, but mostly because Kara got caught up in all this.

"You mean black hole?"

"Whatever... this isn't really the time for astronomy lecture," I said shrugging him off and hopped on the ambulance where Kara was in, "see you at the hospital if you're going there, but if not... see you someplace else then, ...and uhm, tell Maggie I'm sorry,"

"Wait what? What happened to Kara?" he noticed Kara unconscious on the stretcher and ran after with his questions.

I didn't get to answer him as the ambulance's door slammed shut and sped off. And as it's sirens blared with the others that carrying Lena, Mike and Lex, I said a little prayer hoping everything will be better soon.

I'm yet to make a call to Aunt  Eliza to tell her what happened.  And I can't even begin to imagine how worried and scared she would be after she'll hear what just happened...


Kara's pov


I opened my eyes in a brightly lit room, feeling the soft bed in my back and the cushy pillow on my head. And my mother's face shiny in tears.

"Oh my baby.... I'm so sorry," she cried as she hugged me, "I'm really sorry, sweetie... I never intended any of this to happen. This is my fault. I should have been more attentive to you. I should've been more supportive. But all I did was wrap myself in my own---"

"Mom," I hugged her back and tried to ease the tension in her as she cried, "Nothing here is your fault, I was the one who made the choice to run away, and this is where it got me... I'm the one who should be sorry,"

"No sweetie, I pushed you to do what you did," Mom said as she let go and fussed about my disheveled hair, "I came to my senses a little too late. This is you, this is who you are and no one can ever change that but only you, and I should've been more accepting way before all this happened. Not only because you're my child and I love you, but also because you are your own person entitled to your own decisions in life. I was wrong sweetie, and I'm really sorry, please forgive me my little one,"

"Mom please... I'm my own person as you say, so please stop calling me little one, and yes... your forgiven, only if I'm forgiven too with all the crap I put you through,"

Mom smiled now and pressed both of my cheeks in her palms, "You're always my little one... and you're long forgiven already, sweetie,"

"Mom... can I see Lena? I need to know how is she,"

Mom hesitated a little before speaking, "Kara, sweetie... she's still in surgery. I heard she lost a lot of blood, and that the next hours would possibly be critical for her,"

I felt the tears well up in the corner of my eyes, and my throat began to constrict yet again. Mom rubbed both my arms, trying to soothe me as I'm about to sob, " Let's pray for the best sweetie, I'm sure the doctors will do what they're supposed to do and save Lena. Besides her brother Mike, the same Mike my employee who I didn't ever realized was her brother, already donated his blood since they have exact same blood type,"

"He did? I want to donate my blood too... Lena needs blood she can take mine,"


Mom hugged me again, tighter this time, giving it her best shot at comforting me. I understand her intention to make me feel better, but the only thing that can possibly do that is for me to see Lena's amazingly perfect green eyes open again and look back into mine smiling beautifully and bright as ever.

"We'll wait for the doctors news right here, okay... You rest here while I get you something to drink and eat, perhaps your favorite pot stickers... alright," Mom stood up from beside me and started to leave, " I'll be right back,"

Now, all alone in this hospital room, I quietly began to cry yet again. I just can't help it, I can't stop crying, not only because I'm scared for Lena, worried sick of what's about to happen to her, but for something else entirely. I'm crying some more because I have made myself a decision.

A decision that I know I'll regret but I'll do it anyway...



Thank youu for reading!!

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