Chp. 55 "Confessions"

Start from the beginning

Her and her sexy, tanned legs.

I shrugged, "Whenever I guess."

She stopped at a door then, allowing me to realize she was only a couple rooms down from my own. She responded, "Tomorrow morning at 8:00? Sorry, I'm a morning person."

At this time I was taking her in fully, and she was dressed in similar attire as yesterday. Her skirt seemed a little shorter, and her heels a little higher, but she still looked the same. Her legs were smooth and tan, and looked so touchable, along with those lips that were begging me to kiss them. I forced my eyes to look at hers, attempting to ignore my heart pounding against my chest as I responded, "Yeah, that's fine."

She smiled again, this time there was something a little more playful in it, and I couldn't help but notice. She tilted her head, "See you tomorrow then. Have a good day Andrea."

Then she disappeared into her room and I nearly ran towards Max's room, attempting to escape before she exited again. I banged on the door, only to hear someone inside stumble through the room and unchain the door, revealing a very startled looking Max. He shoved me, "Andy, what?"

I let myself into the room without his ok, and I spoke, "Max, they've found a cure. Avery's healed."

I was trying hard to clear my head of Taylor but I couldn't, and my mind kept lingering back to her sexy legs and her plump, red lips. Max didn't seem to notice at the mentioning of Avery though, and smiled, "Oh my God! That's great Andy!"

I nodded, realizing I needed to pull myself together before he asked me if something was wrong. I wanted to talk about Taylor; I wanted to get it off of my chest. It was sort of driving me insane, ever since yesterday. Maybe I could confide in Max a little bit.

He soon noticed the weird attitude and he questioned, "You ok?"

I nodded, debating whether I should tell him about Berkley or not. I looked into his worried blue eyes and I sat on my bed, shaking my head, "I'm not... Max, I got a new power."

His eyes widened in shock, "What? From who? And when?"

I had to smile at his eagerness, but I allowed him time to join me on his bed. He looked at my curiously, waiting for me to explain myself. I just didn't know how I was going to go about this.

"Her names Agent Berkley, I got stuck in an elevator with her yesterday during that security breach."

He nodded, seeming to want to move things forward, "What did she give you?"

"Teleportation," I answered quite bluntly, and I watched as his eyes widened in shock.

"Andy... that's huge."

I raked my hand through my hair, and he must've seen there was something else on my mind other than the power. He leaned forward, "What else is wrong?"

I held back for a second, thinking of how I should tell Max about my encounters with Agent Berkley. What else was there, besides that I felt guilty about my sudden feelings towards her? I mean, it wasn't like anything happened between her and I, it was just the fact that I was feeling guilty.

I shook my head, "Nothing, that's all. We should get Gage."

Max nodded and smiled, jumping off of the bed, "Andy, this power is going to kick ass! You should be excited!"

I shrugged behind Max and out the door, thinking to myself quietly.

Maybe, except I would be training alone with Agent Berkley tomorrow, and I was actually kind of looking forward to it.

~ ~ ~ ~

"What do you mean two people tried to break into the Bureau?"

I stared at Sullivan in disbelief, wondering if whatever he was telling me was true. Who would be so stupid to do that? They should know better than that, they could've gotten themselves killed!

"It was meant to be a stake out, but they both breached the security and got gunned down on the roof top."

I shrugged in humiliation and raked my hand through my greased hair. Well, at least I was right, they got themselves killed. Whoever it was deserved to get killed, thinking it was a smart idea to try and get into the actual Bureau themselves. That place was swarming with a bunch of lethal people, including Andrea Mason, who was in fact even more dangerous then all of the people in there together.

If only she knew how strong she could really be now that she was a Healer.

The thought of Andrea brought me back to reality and why I had come here in the first place. I looked up at Sullivan again as he spoke, "Walker, what did you want to talk to me about in the first place?"

I had been stressing over the case to "capture" Andrea, and I decided I just couldn't do it. There was no way I was going to be able to do that and bring her back to the Defense Department. I couldn't bring her back where she was going to be experimented on and probed, and possibly set off one of the most dangerous events possibly known to human kind.

I just couldn't.

I placed my hands on the table slowly, leaning forward to where Sullivan had his full attention on me. I shook my head, "I can't go through with capturing Andrea Mason, Sullivan. I just can't give her to those people..."

"You work for those people."

I shook my head again, puffing, "No, I do not. I work for the government who is supposed to protect the people, and this fucking Super Soldier idea is ridiculous. I can't be a part of that."

Sullivan pushed, "Agent Walker, what are you telling me."

I looked up into his old gray eyes that seemed to be worn just as much as I was. He was stressed about this too, just as much as me, maybe even more. He didn't agree with the Soldier idea either, because he knew just like I did that if this was accomplished, there would be no good turnout. Innocent people would be killed, and this country would go to shit, more than it already was.

I looked up at Sullivan, leaning back in my chair casually as I confessed.

"Sullivan, I have a plan."


Just in case you guys are getting confused, there are TWO different POV's in my story. The main one is obviously Andrea's, and the second is Agent Walker. Just like I did above, I ended the chapter in AGENT WALKER'S point of view, not Andrea's. Hope I'm helping to clear up some confusion.

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