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Your POV

Geez why did he even asked STUPID questions? I puffed up my cheeks and glared at the floor, making the stare back at me. I stayed like that for minutes, maybe even longer. I don't know, the only thing I know is that I didn't really need to run from him. I sighed and stopped glaring at the floor, I started to feel a little gulity.. I sighed and opened my bedroom door, I closed it and walked through the hallways and then the living room. I looked around and didn't see him, probably in the kitchen..? I wondered and walked over to the kitchen area, I peeked my head from a wall and scanned the area. No Dadster.. Hm.. "Did he go out?" I whispered while walking to the living room. I climbed up on a couch and plopped myself on the soft sofa.

"I guess I'll take a lil nap.." I whispered tiredly to myself, I slowly closed my eyes and thought sweet things like, cake, my dog, cookies, warm chocolate milk, and yummy brownies. I yawned softy and drifted to dream land..

Well I was about that is..

I suddenly heard loud thuds, like VERY loud thuds. Like bodies dropped from the sky. I snapped my eyes open and saw nine skeletons. NINE I TELL YOU! I screamed and gasps as I pushed my back against the couch. I gulped and sweated nervously as I stared at the nine skeletons longer. I gulped once more and climbed down the couch, my small legs hitting the floor making a creek. I quicky looked up to see if one of them woke, when none of them did. I sighed and whispered, "Thank goodness.." "Thank goodness what?" A male voice said, I opened my eyes to only be met by a cute white haired boy, with white pale skin. He had different eye colors that made him look more.. Unique.

"Holy mother of cows what the fuu--" The white haired male put a, soft, pale finger on your pink lips and shushed you, perventing you to curse. "Love don't swear, it doesn't suit you~" The cute boy said while giving a smile to you. You looked at him weirdly like his an alien from outer space, "What do you mean by, 'love?'" You finally asked as you two had a staring contest.

"Oh oops." You sighed as you thought, thank god it was only just a mistake.. The boy chuckled and smiled, you looked at him weirdly. "I meant to say, future wife." He stayed while placing his hand on your cheek..

You jumped backward and shouted,


Lil Reader X AU! Sans, Chara, and FriskWhere stories live. Discover now