Ch. 10

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3rd POV

  The two skeletons laughed as Cross soon forgot about the small (H/C) girl. She stood there watching them laugh as suddenly her vision blurred, her head spinning. Her eyes turned blunt as you feel empty. She didn't know what was happening, she could still hear the skeletons laugh echoing in your mind. It seemed like she was drowning, but could still breathe. Her eye lids begin to shut slowly as she stumbled back, trying to stand straight. She tried to scream but failed, the only sound that came out from her mouth was a small gasp. She tried to scream once more but the only thing that came out were gasps. She then noticed that she didn't feel the pain from your back, the only thing she could feel was numbness. Her eyes shut closed, her legs stopped working and her body fell in slow motion.

She felt arms grab her making her go faster to the ground.

It felt like she was teleporting, in a weird way.

She choked out a small gasp as few tears slip out of her eyes. She was slowly blacking out.

"...Ki#- dd^^..._.-?!"

A voice came out, glitching, it sounded like Cross's voice and Cross Chara's voice said in a worried tone. She tried to reach out but the hands held her back from trying to. It seems like she was in a cage, no escape.

"BRuuuuuuu ER–-ROrrrr___... Sh--he alrig;;*^>ht%??99!!?"

Another voiced said, echoing and glitching like Cross's. (Y/N) assumed it was Epic as he's voice is like no other and he also says a lot of 'brush' more then Fresh. She could hear the voice yelling at her and screaming to 'snap out of it,' she was highly confused– but then again, everything is confusing.


She sighed softy as she just let the darkness consume her whole, there was no fighting at all. It'll just win.

The (H/C) child passed out as Epic and Cross yelled her to wake up, they ran towards her fast as they can before the black fog consumes her whole body. They were about to reach her when black fog held them in place.

Cross and Epic struggled but couldn't walk through the fog. Epic tried to spawn some Gaster Blasters and bones but the black fog stopped him from doing so. Epic grunted and just kept struggling, "BRUH! What's the heck happening bruh!!!" Epic yelled as the fog held Epic tightly causing him to grunt in pain.

"I.. I don't know dude.." Cross whispered as he was tired from kicking and struggling from the fog. Cross and Epic looked at the child as the black fog now covered her, "(YY/NN)!!!" Cross yelled as Epic's eye glowed brightly. The black fog soon disappeared as (Y/N) was now gone. "B-bruh..." Epic said his eyes widening.

Soon the fog holding him in place disappeared also. Cross ran to the spot and looked for any signs of any tracks.

There was none.

Cross's hands were turned into fists of anger as he was DETERMINED to find the child.

"Dude.. Will you—" "of course bruh" Epic cut Cross off as he knew what Cross was going to say. Cross smiled at him and opened a portal. "We're going to Sans" Epic nodded as he followed Cross into the portal.

The adventure begins.

???'s POV

"Mission completed~" I said as I had a fox smirk on my chubby foxy face. My tail flicked as I watched the black fog sending the girl to the AU "What are you doing..?" My best friend asked me, "Nothing Shu~~" my best friend ignored me and walked over and looked at the screen, "Really?"

"Yes~" I said my tail wagging in delight as I was proud what I have done, "You already knocked her out and put her there and now you.. Teleport her in that AU..?" Shu said as she looked at me with a blank expression. I chuckled, "Hey you know me I like interesting stuff!!" I said to Shu as I jumped down the chair and walked to the living room.

"Well your interests in interesting stuff are bad.." she said as she follow me with a bag of chips, I jumped on the sofa and laid down and stick my tongue out at her.

"You such a child.."

"And you are a child" I said smirking slightly.

"Because I wanted to be one." Shu said as she sat down next to me, "Whateves, nighty" I said as I closed my eyes to sleep, "Good nighty hope you get killed in your sleep" Shu said while turning on the TV "Never happen" I said as I closed my eye and fell into a deep slumber.

💀Sans POV☠️

Me, Ink, G, Fell, and Blue have searched every AU that Nightmare and Cross could've taken her. Ink was worried for (Y/N), G kept on smoking while scratching his head, Fell is SO angry that he is punching the wall so hard upstairs, and Blue is trying to calm everyone down as Blue was also worried but tried to keep calm.

While I—

Was clutching my skull hard. It felt like I could break my own skull! "G-GUYS IT'LL BE ALRIGHT" Blue said as he tried to calm us down. I heard a huge noise upstairs and huge foot steps walking down, "BLUE IT WON'T BE ALRIGHT!" Fell yelled at Blue as Fell looked at him with a bright red eye.

Suddenly we heard a 'thump' behind us. We turned around and saw Epic and Cross.

Fell hissed at them and teleported in front of Cross and grabbed his shirt, "WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU TAKE HER?!!" Fell yelled at his face.

The rest of us looked at Cross, waiting for an answer. Cross inhaled deeply and explained everything that happened to (Y/N)


Fell whispered and looked at Cross's eyes.

"Do you think I'll believe that bullshit?"


Here ya go guys!! <3

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