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3rd POV

You were screaming your lungs out as this skele-prick took you to an unknown place, or should I say— the Omega Timeline. You were crying and screaming, trying to get out of this prick's grasp.

"BLACKBERRY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" An angry voice said, "None of your business twat." The prick's voice said, he's voice was high pitched but raspy.

All of the Sans, Frisk's, and Chara's looked at your direction, you were shaking in fear, you wanted to run— You felt like vomiting.
You kept on screaming and kicking, "L-Let go if ME!" You yelled as you kicked and punched. "Blackberry let her go right now!" The other voice said.

You stopped for a moment and looked at the two— you widen your eyes, the voice who was trying to defend you was Dreamtale! Sans and the dummy head idiot prick was Swapfell! Sans. You didn't like this one but, not for a single second.

You bit on Swapfell Sans arm and you were dropped in the ground with a thud, "OW! HEY!" Swapfell Sans hissed. You ran to a Papyrus— Which was UT Papyrus.

"TINY HUMAN A-ARE YOU OKAY?" UT Papyrus said as you hugged his leg with tears streaming down your face. UT Frisk looked at you with worry, Dream ran to you and touched your shoulder. "A-are you okay? Did he hurt you?" You looked at Dream and shook your head, "That's good, come here" he said.

You looked at him and just walked to him, "Do you know how this happened?" He said as he stroked your (H/C) hair. "I-..I was with G, Sans, B-Blue, Ink, a-and Fell. T-Then that guy.. G-g-grabbed me and t..took me here." You stuttered as you cried and hugged him.

"It's okay! Your safe!" Dream said as he gave you a bright smile. You smiled back making Dream blush because of your cuteness.

"Here! Come with me and meet my Bro!" Dream said as he stood up and walked you to a guy that was covered in black goo or something. You already knew who Dream brother was and kind of nervous, but what were you supposed to do? Run away? No you can't! This is an endless white freaking void.

"Nightmare meet.. Uh.." "M-My names (Y/N)" you said while looking at Nightmare, "And (Y/N) meet Nightmare!" Night just stood there staring at you. It was awkward, very awkward.

"Nightmare.. Can I ask you for a.. Huge favor?" Nightmare grunted, "What?" "Can you watch over her?"
Nightmare glared at Dream, "No."

"Why not?!"

"Because it's stupid and I hate kids."

"Oh c'mon it won't even take long! Only for a few minutes!!"




"Pretty please with sugar on top!"

"No, never."




"..— Fine."

Dream smiled and hugged Nightmare and left you with him. You and Nightmare had a stare off for 2 whole minutes. "Uh.. Here, draw or whatever." Nightmare said as he gave you crayons and paper out of no where. You slowly nodded and began drawing I the white floor.

You really didn't notice— Okay I'll be lying if I said you didn't notice but, you were trying to ignore those stares from the other Sans, Papyrus, Chara's, and Frisks— so hard.

❔❓??? POV❓❔

Me and Sans were watching the 'new' human. Ugh, if I had a human body I would go to her and squeeze her adorable face. I mean seriously, she's so adorable.
I wish that I could hug her.
But I don't have a body like the other Chara's so I can't hug her.

I sighed and just stared at her, I admired her fluffy (H/C), her chubby cheeks, and her sweet smile.
And god for a freaking child she got a sweet god dam ass.

(I'm sorry XD)

I don't think I'm a pedo, I mean I am a child so— It doesn't count.

(Try to guess who that was!!~)

Your POV

I was almost done with my drawing for Nightmare, as soon as I was done I stood up and tugged on his jacket. "What?—" I showed him my drawing, and he just stood there with a blue blush.

^Your drawing is the picture on top^

You smiled at him cutely, he took your drawing and put it in his pocket and just walked away. You stood there with a confused look, until, "OH GOD YOUR SAFE!" You looked behind you and saw Ink hugging you.

3rd POV

"Yup! (Y/N)'s fine!" Dream said as he looked at you and Ink, Ink looked at Dream with a confused look, "(Y/N)..?" Ink asked while looking at you and Dream, "Yeah her names (Y/N)... She, uh, told me?" You and Dream didn't notice but, Ink had jealousy in his eyes.

Why Ink was jealous? Well, you didn't tell them your name to them first! 'It's okay Ink, it was at the last second she had to..' Ink thought but, he still had it in his eyes. "Well I'm glad you safe (Y/N)!" Ink smiled brightly and hugged you once more.

Sans, Fell, G, and Blue heard Dream's and Ink's conversation so they now know your name, "(YYYY/NNNN)!!" Blue shouted as he grabbed you from Ink and lifted you up into the air. "WE WERE SO WORRIED WHEN BLACKBERRY TOOK YOU!!" Blue shouted as he hugged you tightly, "Can't.. B-Breath" You choked out as air wasn't in your lungs, "O-oh.. SORRY!" Blue said as you stopped hugging you. "Dove! We were so worried!" G said as he scooped you up from Blue's arms.

"Glad that your safe kiddo! It was so.. TEARable what Blackberry did to ya." Fell looked at Sans with a 'really?' look, "Yeah.. Glad that your safe.." Fell said as he patted your head.

Fell turned around and walked up to Blackberry, "WHAT THE HELL DID YA TO THAT FOR?!" Fell shouted at him with anger, "Do what?" "STEAL (Y/N) YOU BASTARD!" Blackberry rolled his eyes and began walking away, "DON'T YOU FREAKING INGORE ME!!" Fell shouted at the walking Blackberry, but it didn't work. He just kept walking. He soon returned to his AU.

"Little motherfucker.." Fell whispered under his breath so you didn't hear it.

"Stealing her for no fucking reason.." Fell whispered as he walked back to the group.


Fell walked to Swapfell Papyrus and grabbed him by the collar, "WHY   THE FUCK  DID  THAT  PRICK  TAKE HER?!" Fell shouted as he was close to punching him straight to the face if he doesn't answer quickly, "I-I don't know!!" Swapfell Papyrus stuttered as he looked at Fell.

⚛️♒️FlashBack End☮️🔯

"Are you okay..?" You asked Fell, he snapped out if he daze as he looked at you, "Yeah..

I'm fine Sweetheart"

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1170 words, counting the bolded words.

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