I don't answer. Obviously, I would pick the second option.

Lowering my head in shame, I stand from his desk and begin to walk off. Levi grabs me from behind and pulls me backward, making me squeak out an "oomph!"

"Who told you to leave? I haven't dismissed you yet, Cadet." He says huskily into my ear. I whimper against his strong grip on my wrists.

"Levi...I'm...-" I begin to apologize, but he interrupts, taking total control of the conversation.

"Shut up. I don't need your sympathy." He says as he leans down to kiss me on my jaw. I bite my lip at his action.

He holds my hands up and lines his along with it, further kissing me from my jaw onto my neck.


I've been practicing controlling my tendencies every time I'm touched, but there's still times when I lose control whenever someone touches me. I would get sucked into their memories, and I would have to crawl my way out. It hurt my brain, honestly. 

He pushes me away from him and urges me out of his office. "I try my best to protect everyone, (Y/N), but I can't put you up against the lives of my soldiers. That's favoritism. But, you're dismissed. Go get some sleep. We've got a long day of work tomorrow."

I felt so guilt-shamed. I quickly leave, only looking back at Levi once, whom wasn't even paying me any attention. He had already begun re-working on the stack on paperwork that always completely flooded his desk.
I return to my bunker after the hard day of work. Seems I've been laying down for so long.

I jump onto my bed and snuggle myself within the sheets. Although I had just been released from the infirmary, I was still rather tired. It doesn't take long at all for me to fall deep into slumber.

"My lady, how are you this fine morning?" Thomas asks. I had a bandage wrapped around my stomach that controlled the blood threatening to spill, and I was given crutches to control my walking so I wouldn't stumble and fall. Thomas was preparing my favorite type of tea, white tea, and a side order a beef, bread, and potatoes.

"I-I'm fine, Thomas." I say quietly, playing with the fork that lay in front of me.

I'm so afraid of Thomas. Isn't that ironic? What type of royalty is afraid of their butler? He should be afraid of me!

He pours the white tea into a teacup and serves it to me. "That's lovely to hear, my dear. Be careful. The tea is hot. Your breakfast will be served shortly."

I nod and smell the tea.  It had rather a herbal fragrance hinting it which was odd, considering its tea and not a plant.

"Thomas? May I ask you something?" I pull the tea to my lips and slowly take a sip. He was right. It was hot. It nearly burnt my upper lip. I quickly set the teacup back down.

"Of course, my lady." He responds with a smile.

"W-what did you stab me with?" What an odd question to ask. Never figured I would ever ask that in my life.

He gasps and turns around to face me, "Oh? What are you talking about, my lady?  I've never done such a despicable thing."

I hold my crutches and set them under my arm, standing up. "Thomas, look at me. You've done this."

He looks at my bloodied stomach and laughs, "My lady, what am I supposed to be looking at? Your dress? Yes, it's lovely, my lady, but please sit back down." Thomas comes over and helps me back into the chair. He walks back over to the counter that held my breakfast, grabbed the tray, and returned to me, setting the tray down.

"You stabbed me, Thomas. With what did you stab me and why did you stab me? Tell me." I grab the fork and stick it deeply inside of the crisp potato that was served to me.

"What are you talking about? I take care of you. I would never harm you."

"Look at my stomach! I'm bleeding!" I shout at him. Why is he playing innocent?

"You aren't bleeding. Oh my, should I call in Grace? Are you not feeling well? Eat your breakfast. I feel you're hallucinating."

I feel my eyes twitch as I grow impatient. "Stop playing innocent! Why did you stab me!?"

"Grace, the lady isn't feeling well. Grab the medicine from the other room, please." He calls out. My housemaid, Grace, enters the room with three bottles filled with pills.

"My lady? Are you alright?" She asks with a concerned look on her face. She sets the pills in front of me and opens the first bottle labeled "A".

"I'm fine! Get this away from me." I shove the bottles away, but she pushes them toward me.

"My lady, you're not feeling well. You need to take these."

"I said get it away from me!" I shout at her and push the tray of food, the cup of tea, and the bottles of pills off of the table, along with the table top.

I grab my crutches and stand up as quickly as I could, exiting the room. "Stay away from me!"

Thomas and Grace look at each other weird, and Thomas follows me while Grace begins to clean up the mess.

"My lady. What is wrong?" He asks, following closely behind.

"I said stay away! Stay away! Stay away! Stay the hell away!" I grab a decor from on top of a shelf running along the walls, and throw it at him. He easily dodges it.

"Lady (Y/N). Calm down."

"Get the hell away from me! I'll kill you! I'll kill you a thousand and one times! Get the hell away!" I continue to grab objects from on top of the shelves and flail them on Thomas; he dodges every single one, ducking, jumping, or simply just flinging them away.

Thomas eyes begin to bleed once more. I stop throwing items and quickly walk away, as fast as my crutches would allow me to.

He follows me and begins to laugh. "Lady."

"Mother! Mother! Father! Guards! Anyone! Get this imbecile away from me!" No response.

He laughs again and quickens his pace. I could hear the loud stomps of his heels hitting the ground.







I jolt awake from my sleep in sweat. I was panting so hard.

I keep having the same nightmare, more-so, the continuation of the same nightmare. I don't understand what it means. What could it mean? Perhaps I should speak to....no, nevermind. I shouldn't speak to Hanji for a while unless it's business related.

I set a piece of my quilt over the wet spot, and lay back down. I'm still so tired.

I think I'm going to figure out what's going on with me. I'll make this my mission. Not Hanji's. At least that way I won't have my life constantly put in danger with wild experiments.

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