Chapter 17

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Goodbye Everyone

Diane's Point of View

The plane will fly after 30 minutes so I guess I have to wait.

I gave a letter for Raine and I hope he reads it soon because I wanted him to know that I still love him and even he doesn't feel the same he will always be a special part of my life. Even it hurts to leave the country I lived, I know it will be happy to experience studying at USA and Jason promised that if I don't like at the USA anymore he'll bring me back here.

"It's cold..." I whisper and started shivering.

I look outside and the clouds are very beautiful. The clouds looks fluffy but it's just a gas. The sky is painted in color cerulean and I can see the England from up here but not the whole England. I can see the big ben and that's just very cool.

"If you ever lie to me, promise I will punch you hard." I said teasingly and he smirked.

"And what if you will love there? I'm the one whose going to punch you then." He said teasingly as I glared at him.

"Try ro punch me and you'll never see me again. You should respect your little sister because I'm a girl." I said as I crossed my arms.

"I'm just kidding!" He said to me.

We arrived at the USA which is very far and took all our things.

My brother let me wait at the bench and he waved at me when he got a taxi. He helped me to carry our bags and I went inside the car and instead of sitting beside the taxi driver, Jason sat down beside me and I placed my head on his shoulder and rest my eyes for 30 minutes but I'm just resting, I won't sleep.

"How far is your home from here?" I asked him.

"30 minutes or maybe less but don't worry we will be there soon." I slowly nod my head and rubbed my eyes.

"It's your own house?"

"Yeah..." He replied.

"And you still have no girlfriend?" I asked. He look at me as he raise an eyebrow.

"And who said I have a girlfriend? I'm only 25 and you want me to have one?"

"Well, I didn't said I want you to have girlfriend. I'm just asking why you don't still have a girlfriend. Why are you so defensive?!" He didn't said anything and I know what does that mean.

He has a crush but he doesn't know how to court and I'll help him. Since our school will start next week I will be helping my brother to court that lucky girl. I can't believe that at the age of 25 he still has a crush. What I know is that crushing is only for teens but if he likes someone then I'm always here to help him.

He knows how to court but he's just nervous to do it so he needs my help. What am I going to do is to help him be brave that's all and he can do it.

"You like someone?" He looks at me and nodded.

"What's her name?" I asked.

"We will talk about this later at the house. Just enjoy looking at the window this time." He replied.

We arrived at his home and he opened the door for me and I went inside. He opened the lights and I look everywhere. His house is very beautiful and I can't stop looking at the spiral stairs that's just awesome.

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