Chapter 18

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Enjoying A Happy Life

Raine's Point of View

                   ***After 3 years***
After three years I am now a successful engineer and I just wanted to thank my family and my friends for supporting me. If I say my friends they are Maxwell, Kristen, Ash, Jessica, Elizabeth, Mark, Margot and Josh and of course my friends here at Manchester.

I am now okay with my friends and we are all happy. Seeing them all using skype and talking to them everyday makes me more energetic in my work. My mom and dad have been planning to go back to Oxford but I said it'll be great here because I've started my work here.

Melody and Sabrina are now at the Italy and they are both a successful chef while Emily is a fashion designer and Alex is a doctor and Nathan is a writer of fantasy books, he also became open minded.

Everything makes me happy except Diane. I don't know if she's doing okay because I haven't talked to her parents yet and we have no connections anymore. I miss that girl so much but if she's successful rigtht now too then I'm happy for her. I know she's at the states and I know she graduated college last year and I hope she'll also be successful like our friends.

I'm also planning to build a new house for me at Oxford because I really wanted to live there. I am also planning to buy a new car for my dad for his birthday and that will be a surprise for him.

I'm happy, successful and have a better life but the only one thing I wanted to do is to tell my true feelings to the girl I love so much and I wanted to be with her. I'm not going to do that today but someday I will and I know she also feels the same because even she moved on I still know that deep inside her heart, she still loves me.

"Raine someone misses you." My mom said as she pointed the door and when I opened the door I saw my friends.

"Maxwell?! Oh my gosh! You guys didn't say to me that you will visit me." I nearly cried when they said it was a surprise so I let them in and they sat down all and I did the same.

"Nice one, engineer Raine McCallister." Maxwell said while looking at my picture.

"Thank you..."

"Raine entertain your friends while I'll make them foods."

"Have you guys talked to Diane?" I asked them but none of them answered.

"No, we lost connections with her. She doesn't love us Raine. She left us there like a dirt." Jessica said to me. I can sense that Jessica is mad at Diane but Diane won't do that. She did that for some reason. She all loves us.

"And I hope she's happy for her decision." Kristen said as she crossed her arms.

"Guys maybe it's for the best of her. Let her give another chance. What if she really loves all of us and we just lost connections with her because she thinks that you guys are still mad at her for leaving?" I asked them.

I know she's just sad about what happened. It's her decision and she really needs it. We all need to respect her decision. I know Diane is a kind person. She won't leave our friends for no reason. She's also sad like us for what happened.

"Why don't we try to talk to her?" I ask Maxwell. He shook his head but then  grab his phone from his pocket.

"Uhh... I've deleted her number... sorry." Maxwell put his phone back to his pocket and I sigh.

"Does anyone has a number of Diane?" I asked them but none of them has a number of Diane.

"I have her Diane's number but I tried to call her twice and she didn't answered." Elizabeth told to me.

"Maybe she changed her number? Come on guys after three years she won't change her number? Of course she will." Margot said to everyone. Maybe she's right, maybe Diane changed her number.

"We really lost connections with her." I said as I scratched my head but smile.

"Let's just celebrate because we've seen each other after three years!" They all clapped their hands and I smile.

"Okay here's the food. Enjoy eating and I'll be back." My mom went upstairs and I saw she cooked a lot of food and we sat down at the chairs and started eating.

"I think we should go to the beach next week." Mark suggests.

"Yeah and all of us should bring foods." Josh added as an afterthought.

I'm looking at my laptop while they are talking about the party. They are all excited but I'm here still finding a way to contact or chat Diane but she's not chatting back.

After an hour I finally gave up and closed my laptop and put it down on the table. She's active 5 hours ago so she'll probably see my messages later or maybe tomorrow.

I went to the couch and raise an eyebrow at them because they are all busy except me and I forgot what were they talking about. I crossed my arms and just listened to what they are saying or suggesting.

"Raine you have to bring delicous foods like a cake, cupcake and pancake or whatever... ice cream and more." Ash said to me while Jessica is listing all the ingredients. And why should I bring tha cake?!

"Do we have to party?" I asked them and Maxwell raised an eyebrow.

"You're the one who suggested that we should party and you're asking us if we still have to do the party?"

"Great answer Maxwell. It means we still have to do it." I said as I smile at him.

I can see in his eyes that he was so pissed and he also glared at me and rolled his eyes and after that she scratched his head because of annoyance.

After talking about the party it's already 7:30 pm and they have to go. We said our goodbyes and they left and I am the one who needs to clean all the mess. I don't want them to clean these mess because they are all tired so I'm just going to do this job.

I cleaned everything, the table, the floor, chairs and everything that is dirty and feel exhausted. I opened my laptop and also my facebook and saw that Diane have seen my messages and she was online 5 minutes ago. It's okay if she didn't replied as long as she saw my messages I know she misses us and now she knows that we are not mad at her.

"Raine great job for cleaning." My mom said as she clapped her hands.

"Mom thank you..." I said.


I went to my room and took a bath, brushed my teeth, washed my face picked my favorite blue pyjama and I laid on my bed and started playing something on my phone.

When it's already 10:00 pm I decided to take a sleep and before I sleep I went downstairs to drink a warm water and finally I went back to my room and turned off the light and laid on my bed.

The party will be next week so I have to be prepared. I don't want to disappoint my friends so I need to do my best and show them that I'm happy with them.

But for now I will just chill and enjoy my happy life.

Author: Hello my lovely readers! Today is Valentine's Day so Happy Valentine's Day💗 to everyone. This is a valentine's gift from me so I hope you love it💗 Love you guys!

 My Innocent Girlfriend ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن