Chapter 15

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The Two Great News

Diane's Point of View

Me and Jason went back to England and wanted to ask mom about the news. She won't tell it to us because I don't know if she's sad or something.

I'm okay if she wasn't really pregnant and I'm also okay if she will be pregnant as long as she's happy I'm also happy.

I'm here in my room sitting on my bed while reading something interesting and then someone knocks on the door and it was Jason. As he closed the door he sat down beside me and sigh.

"I'm very tired today." He said.

"Have you gave the chocolates and ice creams to Raine?" I nodded my head and he smiles at me.

"What's the feeling?" I look at him confused.

"When you gave a gift to your ex-boyfriend?" He asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Nothing... I don't feel anything." I lied.

"Does he know me?" I nodded again.

"But he doesn't know your face." I said. He slowly nod his head and I'm just here reading and relaxing not even caring if he's also reading it.

Then I looked at my phone and then smile when Raine liked my post just this day with my brother Jason.

I wanna call Raine for some reason but I'm just so nervous and shy to do that. I don't know if he will answer my call because when the last time I called him, he didn't even answered it and he told me that the picture he passed to me was just accident and he didn't meant to forward that picture to me, wrong send.

Jason tapped my shoulder and I turn my head towards him. He got a fries on his hands.

"What the! Where did you get those?" I asked as I pointed the fries.

"I've been hiding my fries because I know you will eat all of it but do you want some?" I punched his arms playfully and smile.

"Thanks but no thanks. I'm not really hungry at this point." I said as I closed the book and placed it on the desk.

"Diane I wanted to ask this question since I went here and I'll be back at USA after this summer." He looks at me and flashes a smile.

"Do you want to experience studying college there? I know it will be fun there but if you don't want then that's fine with me." He said and shrugged his shoulder.

"Really?! Did mom and dad agree with you?" He slowly nod his head and I smile widely.

"I really wanted to study there even just for two years because I want to experience studying there but what about my school here and my friends?" I asked him and my smile disappeared.

"You can still talk to them but you have to get your report card before the school starts in two weeks." I just nod my head.

My happiness is exploding because he wants me to study at the states and I am also a little bit sad because I have to leave my friends. They are my friends and I don't want to leave them for some reason because I love them all. Raine left them and I will also leave them?

What if they will hate me forever? What am I going to do? What if they don't want me to see anymore? What if they'll  hate me if I said that I'm leaving?

It's very complicated when it comes to friendship because they are your friends and you cannot leave them like that. I love them all. Especially, Jessica, Maxwell and Kristen. Those three are my closest friends since I transferred here including Raine.

 My Innocent Girlfriend ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin