Chapter 8

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Am I Inlove?

Raine's Point of View

Me and my other friends our hanging out at my house because today is saturday. I invited them to come over so all of them agree to come so here we are having fun and eating snacks.

They seems nice for me even though I just met them last week. They are all cool and fun to hang out but Melody is the best among them, just my opinion. Like she has all the potential of everyone. I like her personality.

I have them but I still want to remember my memories when I was still at Oxford. My friends, teachers, relatives and Diane. I haven't talked to my friends except to Jessica. She's like the reporter to what's happening to my friends and to Diane. She's a very nice friend without her I don't know if my friends are still doing okay and fine.

I'm very confused, do you know why? There are two reasons that makes me confused.

Do I still love Diane? And do I love Melody?

It's making me crazy all the time. Nobody helps or can solve this problem. If my mom or dad are love experts then this problem is probably done. I just wanted this problem to end because it really hurts my head. There are no books that could help me to solve this problem and there is no person that could help me to end this problem.

So, I went to my dad and asked him a question hoping he's answer will be positive.

"Dad?" My dad turned her head to me.

"Yes Raine?" He asks.

I closed the door and walked closer to my dad so no one could hear us.

"Can you help me with something?" He slowly nods his head but raise an eyebrow.

"Is there a person that could help me to solve my problem?" I asks.

"What's your problem?"

"My problem is Diane and Melody..." I said while blushing a little bit and scratched my head.

"So, what's with them?" I crossed my arms.

"My problem is do I still love Diane or I love Melody." I said.

"Your mom can help you but she's not really a love expert but she might help you with that problem." My dad said to me.

"Where is she then?"

"She's at the kitchen, remember?" I smile and went straight to the kitchen and saw my mom cooking.

"Hi Raine, do you need anything?" My mom really knows that I need something from her.

"Mom can you help me with something?"

"What is it?" She asks.

"My problem is do I still love Diane or do I love Melody."

There! I said it! I finally said it!

"If you think that you still love Diane then you should flashback the memories of you and her, the happy memories that you made with her. If you think that you love Melody then you should be careful." I raise an eyebrow.

"Why mom?"

"Because you only met her a week ago." I burst out laughing.

"But mom I only met Diane last month too and she became my girlfriend the day we met." My mom smiles at me.

"Diane is a kind girl. She's very fragile. She knows how to respect and she's also very talented and even thought you just met her last month it doesn't mean that her and Melody are the same. Raine I don't really feel good about this Melody girl. She's just not my type. She's just like the flirty girls that I see at the streets or bars dancing with guys they don't even know." My mom said.

My mom is sometimes judgemental but she has a point I always feel like Diane is more respectful and kind than Melody.

"Always follow your mind not your heart. You'll get hurt if you will follow your heart most of the time." My mom said and went upstairs.

Diane and I have memories but Melody and I has no memories together. We only met last week, how can I have memories with her? But for Diane, I had so memories with her. Maybe this is the time to ask Jessica if Diane still likes me. I have to get the answer because you know... I still love her... I still love Diane.

I quickly contact Jessica and luckily she answered it.

"Hello?" Hearing her voice makes me smile all the time.

"Do me a favor? Please." I said.

"What is it?" She asks.

I gulped...

"Can you please ask Diane if-if..."

"If what?" She asks.

"If she still loves me..."

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