"Teressa what's the date today," worry was settling inside of me.

"6th of April," My world tilted for a second as I remembered. Everything was swirling around me.

"Aaron!" Kelly shouted through the line.

"I'm coming, just keep her awake," I cut the call before she could say anything. I needed to reach out to Serilda.

"Where are you going? We have the meeting in half an hour." Teressa reminded me but it was no longer my concern. I had to be with Serilda. She needed me. I knew it. I could only save her from herself like I did years back.

"I won't be here. Tell Erik to hold onto things for me." I hastily spoke before making a call to my driver, asking him to pick up a car from my house and to reach Erik's house. I ran out of the building taking a staircase rather than a lift. I knew I had to reach her fast before she lost herself. Two years back I had found her, saved her and last year I had been with her but my neglecting her had made me forget about today. 

Getting inside my car I roved the engine to life, the car accelerated to its limits rushing through the traffic of the day just to reach where I wanted. She had lost her hopes of living that day, I had seen her completely shatter at that moment. She had begged for me to kill her, begged me to let her die but I hadn't. I had stayed with her and kept her alive while my brother was busy far away losing himself in lust and false pain.

Her house came into my view. I saw my driver outside the house and as soon as I was in her driveway I was out, leaving the engine of my car on. Jackson, my driver got out as soon as he saw me coming. Handing him my car keys.

"Keep the car ready and park  my car out on the road." Ordering him I ran inside the house. I didn't ring a bell or knock, I just bulldozed inside the house. I ran up the stairs to her room and found Kelly hovering over Serilda who lay on the bed. I looked around and saw broken shards of the floor-to-length mirror. Blood was all over there on most of the broken pieces, it was a sight worse than that night two years ago. My breath came heavy as I walked towards where Serilda was. One of her wrists and hand was bandaged. All I saw over her face was an ashen look that I had seen almost every day on her face years back.

"Thank God, You are here!" Kelly took a breath of relief.

"I didn't know what was happening. One moment everything was fine in the house and the next thing I knew. I heard screams and noises of things breaking. When I reached her she was screaming and punching her reflection in the mirror. It was scary, she wasn't stopping. I was calling her, shouting her name but nothing was happening. She was screaming to let her go and die. Then she cut her wrist open and I panicked. She was going on for another wrist and nothing was stopping her so I just took the vase and banged it on her head hard. I can't even tell you how scared I felt Aaron. I thought I had killed her. I was scared to shit." She spoke in a hurry, had I heard her but my eyes were set on Serilda lying there.

"I tried Erik but he wasn't picking up and then I called you. What the hell is happening to her, Aaron?" She demanded with worry etched over her face. I didn't answer her but went to sit near Serilda. Taking her sleeping form in my arms I kissed her forehead and swept away her hair from her cheeks.

"What happened, Aaron?" Kelly asked once again but I couldn't tell her. I could never tell anyone the pain I saw her suffer. I felt her shift in my arms and found her waking up. Her good hand reached for her side of the head.

"How much did she bleed?" I asked with my voice low.

"Her wrist was open but the cut wasn't too deep. I was able to stop the bleeding in minutes. However, picking out the shards of mirrors painted her hand all in blood. Those wounds took their sweet time to stop bleeding." She informed me while I caressed Serilda's cheek. Taking her wounded hand wrapped in white I gently kissed it. This was my fault. I shouldn't have left her like this. I knew damn well that I would be leaving her alone, pushing her into the depth of loneliness that would eat her alive. It was all my fault I wanted to cry out.

Her green eyes shot open and I saw the sadness and loneliness running deep into them. 

"Aaron," Her lips trembled as she called me. 

"I'm here, Serilda," I let her know kissing her cheeks. Tears brimmed in her eyes as I looked at her.

"Take me, please take me away," She cried out for me to hear.

"Take me there, or I would die, Aaron. I can't breathe another second here. I can't," The agony in her voice burned me from the inside. It made me want to cry for the pain she suffered. I gave her a weak nod before my hands went under her to pick her up. Her hands wrapped around my neck and her face hiding in my coat. I stood and saw Kelly with concern etched over her face.

"Clean the mess up and don't tell Erik about it. If he asks about anything, lie to him. Say anything but he should never know about this," I begged her with my eyes. A teary-eyed Kelly nodded. Striding past her I walked out of there with careful steps carrying Serilda in my arms. Jackson saw me coming and opened up the door as quickly as he could. I didn't make Serilda sit, didn't leave her alone. Somehow I managed to get inside the car with her in my arms without leaving her alone, I couldn't take the risk of losing Serilda for a second. I knew how her mind would be working right now.

As we settled down in the car, Serilda's her green orbs were at my brown ones. Her eyes questioned me the same question as they always did. Why? Why did it happen? Why did I leave her? Why did God take him away?

"Take us to Lake Mead. Drive fast as you can," I told Jackson. It was the only place that would calm her. It was where we had parted away the remnants of the little one that God took away from her. Last year we had parted away with everything while she had held onto me like I was her everything and then I had gotten greedy and in my greed, I had lost her.

Her eyes never left mine, her hands never got off my neck and her soul called to mine. I saw the pain that burned her, the betrayal she had felt that day like never before. She had called me begging me to come.

 I had been mad at her for marrying my brother. We had loved each other, it was obvious, lurking there in the background as we had dated. I was going to ask her to be mine but then I saw her walking down the aisle and my dreams broke. My heart broke, everything shattered for me at that moment. I had decided then and there that I would only hatred for her. All I had was hatred for her and my brother. I had been fed the same lies like everyone else's and through them, I had loathed her. I never wanted to see her face ever again,  

I had sworn that I wouldn't. For a year I had stood on promise until that fateful call came. Her pleading cries melted my heart, the urgency in her voice made my heart rate reach to the moon and when I found her in her own pool of blood, I had cried, forgotten all the hatred I had for her.

At that moment all I remembered was her eyes begging me for help like they did now.

I was a fool for letting her go over a small demand she had denied me. She was all I had now, and all I had known. She had the biggest heart and in her heart she had mine.  I was never going to leave her alone, never again. 


Hello lovelies, this is the chapter!

Hope some questions were answered.

Happy update!!

Hope you had guessed it right!

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I can already feel tears in my eyes thinking about the next chapter.

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