16.2 KaSachi #2

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Sachiko's P.O.V.

There's no way I could marry Kakashi! He's too old, ya got that! "Stupid elders." I spoke as I unlocked the door of my temporary house. As soon as I entered my house and turned my lights on I spotted the man I was just thinking about.

"Yo, sorry for breaking in here but I think we should discuss this." I nodded in agreement. Knowing this is going to take a while I made us some snacks and tea. "Well where do I start?"

"I think this whole arrange marriage thing is so unfair, dattejane!" I started off for him.

"Yeah I know. They also wouldn't budge when I talked to them earlier." So there's no hope. MY YOUTH, MY FREEDOM IS GONNA DIE!! After a hour or two later Kakashi finally left and we both agreed to put up with it. I still think it's unfair but...

Why do I feel so happy?

~After war~

I knocked on the door to Aunty Tsunade's office which will soon be Kakashi's. "Come in." I heard her say. I opened the door and was met with Aunty Tsunade and Shizune holding Ton Ton. "Oh, what brings you here Sachiko?"

"I would like to go on a solo mission to find Yukkuri Kirito and Sunohara Nagisa." I stood strong, there's no way I'd leave them alone! Who knows they could be dead or worse. "Please Aunty Tsunade! I can't lose the people I love anymore, dattejane!"

"..." Aunty Tsunade looked deep in thought. "Fine. On one condition... make that book of yours a reality and stop fighting back this marriage." She smirked as I'm pretty sure my face is red.

I guess I don't have a choice then. "Hai!" There's no way I'd leave Kirito-sensei and Yagisa.

"You can depart when you're ready." I bowed in respect and made my way to the door. "Just be careful out there, Sachiko."

"I'll come home with both Kirito-sensei and Nagisa without a scratch, got that!" I grinned at Aunty Tsunade who smiled in return.

Wait for me you guys.

(I'm actually considering making KaSachi an actual thing cause have a great idea of a future book in the Boruto era)

Sachiko Shippuden {Naruto Fanfic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora