7. Ramen/ Bears

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(Warning horrible chapter up ahead.)

Sachiko's P.O.V.

I've been walking for ages! Everything looks the same and there's no path! I started to do some tree hopping to fasten my pace, but I tripped over one of the branches and lost my footing making me fall. Turns out there was an old shack underneath me and I fell through it. "Itai..." I rubbed my behind as I look up at the hole in the ceiling I've created. Aww man...

3rd P.O.V.

"Everything's ready. Now we just need  for that thing to come back with all the data." Two men started walking down the spiraling stairs in a large cave with a lantern lighting their way.

"I see. In only a few moments till Konoha will fall and I shall have my revenge." The man laughed along with the other.


"Achoo!" Kirito sneezed while he was standing in front of Tsunade. "Excuse me." Kirito handed his report of the mission to Tsunade. "Here is the report of the mission, Hokage-sama." Team 9 was dismissed for the day.

"Ne, I wonder where Naruto-kun would be, dattejane?" The greenette asked as they walked away from the tower.

"Ichiraku's probably unless he's on a mission." Riku answered shrugging before suggesting to go get some ramen in which they agreed.

"It's Kirito-sensei's turn anyway." The brunette grinned as he and the others trotted on ahead.

"I NEVER AGREED TO THIS!!" When they reached to Ichiraku's they found Naruto sitting alone much to the imposter's delight.

"Hey, Naruto-kun." 'Sachiko' broke the jinjuuriki's out of his thoughts. "What are you doing alone... dattejane?" She sat next to him as she ignored the wierd stares from her team.

"Ah... Hey, Sachi- HEY SACHIKO-CHAN WANNA JOIN MY TEAM, DATTEBAYO?!!" The blonde shouted in her face stunning her. "I NEED ANOTHER TEAMMATE SO I CAN GET SASUKE!!"

"Sorry, but we have a mission tomorrow." Riku answered the other blonde while waiting for his order to arrive. "Did you check with the others?" Naruto nodded and face planted the counter before getting up again with a grin and quickly finishing his third bowl of ramen and ran out of the shop after paying for his meal. They blinked at the Uzumaki's weird manner before shrugging it off as normal.

"How about when our stomachs are settled, we do some training like the good old days." The former sensei of Team 9 asked as he placed the exact amount of ryo needed for everyone's meal and made his way out of the shop when his former students agreed to meet in an hour.

Sachiko's P.O.V.

This is not good! "GO AWAY BEAR!! I'M NOT FOOD!!" I shouted at the bear that was chasing me. Wait a second, bears can't climb trees! I jumped on a high branch in one of the trees and poked my tongue out at the bear, cause this stupid bear can't climb- huh? Right in front of me was the bear looking more angrier than before. ALL I DID WAS 'BORROWED' ONE OF IT'S FISH!! "Hey, I was going to give you another fish after I got food in my stomach, dattejane! Maybe even TWO!!" The annoying bear jumped forwards towards the branch that I was on. Uh-Oh, I better scram, this one can climb!

It's been about a few minutes since this chase had begun but the distance had been getting bigger and bigger. When I looked back, the stupid bear looked exhausted and fell onto the ground in a large thud. I feel kinda sorry for it. I made a shadow clone to go find some safe berries, while I go look after the bear. I'm sorry Kuma (bear).

(Not best chapter but I kinda had a bit of trouble trying to think about what should happen, since I am starting to run out of ideas. Please comment on what you would like to see/read next on this story.)

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