16 1/2. KaSachi #1

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(So this is a special chapter at a alternative Timeline where Kakashi and Sachiko are together. Hope you enjoy =^w^=)

3rd P.O.V.

It's already been a week since the Pein attack. Ever since then Sachiko gained herself a devoted fanclub that was full of males and a few females including mothers wanting to marry off their sons to her. "This is so troublesome, dattejane." The teen sighed.

"Yo." Kakashi greeted as he walked up the the greenette.

"Kakashi?" Sachiko sat up from her lying position. "What are you doing here, dattejane?"

"Well I was on a walk and spotted you here and so I thought I would join you." Kakashi answered back and saw Sachiko sigh then move a but to the side inviting him over to sit beside her on top of the Hokage Mountain. "You've changed." Kakashi spoke up after a while, Sachiko looked at the man with a raised eyebrow. "You're a lot more mature and quiet... but after what you've been through I'd say that's understandable."

"Yeah, I guess that I have changed." Sachiko spoke while turning her attention to the village. "I... I don't want to be the girl who always becomes the damsel in distress. I'm tired of it. After hearing stories about Tou-chan's apprentice, the fourth Hokage I wanted to be fast like him; and the stories of his wife Uzumaki Kushina became a person who I idolized. She was known to be sweet yet spicy and energetic. She was known to be strong and kind..." Kakashi nodded in approval.

"Oh, congrats on your sell out book." Kakashi praised the girl who gave a sheepish smile in reply.

"It only sold out as soon as everyone realized that I wrote it." A light blush was painted across her face. "Even Aunty Tsunade read the thing as soon as it came out ages ago, saying that I should make a sequel. Doesn't help she was drunk, dattejane." The two chuckled as they imagined/remembered a drunk Tsunade begging for more stories. "How long has been been since Aunty Tsunade been in a coma?"

"Too long." Kakashi replied and a pregnant silence surrounded them. From behind without them noticing someone had saw them from a distance and with a copy of Sachiko's book in hand.


"So why were we summoned for a meeting? I am a busy man." Danzo asked as he sat in his seat with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Because of a certain bloodlinea that we must ensure continues on. The Seikatsu family are able to regenerate very quickly, so much that they can come out of battle without a scratch left on them." One of the Council men answered. Danzo was intrigued. He started to learn more about this ability and to one day grasp this power. "So we are having a meeting to discuss how we shall proceed with the matter."

"Oooooh, we don't need to worry about what way." The Damiyo had a cheeky grin on his face that was covered by his fan. "I suggest we make an arrange marriage." The council members gave it a thought and agreed but then the Damiyo already had someone in mind. "Hatake Kakashi." All attention was towards the Damiyo  who hid his cheeky smile behind his fan.

"Isn't Kakashi-san a lot more older than Sachiko?" Shikaku asked with a few agreeing nods from the council men.

"Age is just a number to love." The Damiyo held up a book, the one that Sachiko wrote. "As said in the book Sachiko-chan wrote." A few members of the Council deadpanned while a few agreed to his statement. Shikaku looked as if in deep thought.

"Hatake Kakashi, son of the white fang and holder of the sharigan." Danzo spoke up. "I do believe that Kakashi would be a good candidate for the Seikatsu girl." Everyone stated their opinions and it was time to close the meeting. "So we shall take a vote. All raise of hands in agreement of an arrange marriage between Hatake Kakashi and Seikatsu Sachiko." Instantly everyone in the room raised their hands except for Shikaku who hesitantly raised his hand slowly as he thought about how those two would feel about this. 'Sorry Kakashi, Sachiko.'

~The next day~

Kakashi and Sachiko was called in by the Council elders. As soon as the two were in the room they were instantly under pressure from the gazes of the two elders who had asked for them to sit down.

(Skipping explanation cause of my lazyingitis (lazy-in-gitis))

"Eh?" The two blinked at the elders words. "T-This gotta be a joke, dattejane." Sachiko asked as the they dhook their heads. Kakashi on the other side was still processing.

'Why did this have to happen to me?'

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