"This way," the young man instructed, pointing his gun toward an opening in a small building next to where the gate stood.

Inside, the group of four were quickly presented with the sight of a large, free-standing holding cell. It had wire partition panels on every side, including the ceiling and anchored steel benches lining the base.

"Hang on," John protested, grabbing onto Harley's arm to stop her from moving forward.

The blonde woman spoke from behind the foursome, "Two hour quarantine. We need to be sure none of you are infected before we let you into the upper level," she assured.

"None of us are bit," Edvin insisted, looking to his group and then back to the woman.

Pointing to Harley, the woman replied, "She's covered in scratches. We aren't taking the chance. Please keep moving"

"Two hours?" John asked, needing confirmation.

The woman nodded, "That's right"

Despite feeling more than uneasy about the situation, John, Harley, Edvin and Taylor moved forward, hoping upon hope that the new strangers were being forthright in their intentions.

One of the suited men walked ahead, opening the hinged door to the holding cell, where one by one, the foursome took turns entering.

With a piercing clang, the door was closed and locked, officially placing the foursome at the mercy of their new friends.

Looking around the rest of the space in the small, one room building, it was clear that it was used exclusively for holding captives, as it was empty aside from the holding cell and a few wooden chairs placed along the far wall.

As Harley and her companions each took a seat on the cold, steel benches, everyone aside from the young man exited the building. Still in his hazmat suit, he walked over to the cell and yanked on the door, ensuring it was properly locked. After suspiciously scrutinizing Harley with his eyes, the young guy turned and left the building.

"I feel like this may have been stupid," Edvin confessed as he leaned his back against the wire partition.

John crossed his arms, "Would've been more stupid to back out before we got the chance to find out what's here," he countered.

"They have scientists," Taylor added as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, "The way they reacted when you mentioned the CDC, they knew that sign was there. They knew because they have the scientists who left it"

Edvin scratched his head, "God, I hope so. Don't know if I can take much more of this"

"Here here," Harley agreed as she pulled Rebel out of her backpack and into her arms.


As promised, it was precisely two hours before the woman, the young man and an older man with shaggy peppered hair appeared in the doorway, no longer wearing hazmat suits, but still armed.

"Still members of the human race," said the woman as she paced over to the holding cell and unlatched the door, "I'm Margo. This is Caleb," she introduced, nodding toward the young man who remained quiet and observant, "and that's Frank," she finished, pointing to the older man.

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