just go with it | dylan

Start from the beginning

Suddenly you panicked, wondering what you would do if they asked to see the ring that you didn't have.

You looked down at your fingers, seeing the one ring you always wore, a simple gold band, you quickly swapped it over to your ring finger.

Dylan noticed and smiled, "great thinking." He whispered to you.

You looked over at him and smiled, feeling something you'd never felt before towards him, a warm feeling taking over your body.

"The first course is ready." Another voice spoke, a young man walked in in a tuxedo.

"They have a butler?!" You whispered to Dylan as the others were distracted.

Dylan chuckled softly, "yeah, they have a lot of money."

The night went pretty smoothly, the food was probably the best that you'd ever eaten.

As the night went on, sitting besides him at the dinner table, he brushed his fingers over your open palm that lay on the table, you glanced over at him and smiled faintly as the others talked about marriage and kids. You couldn't help but think about what it'd be like to experience those things without having to pretend.

The least awkward thing that night was that you knew a lot about Dylan so you didn't have to make anything up, it was like you didn't have to think before answering anyone's questions because you knew him so well.

Of course there was one question you didn't have an automatic answer to, but you knew exactly how to reply.

"So y/n, how did Dylan propose? I'm dying to know!" one of the girls squealed as her husband shook his head.

"Surprisingly... at a mets game," you glanced over at Dylan who looked surprised, yet proud, "he saw his chance when the kiss cam focused on us and he got down on one knee..."

Dylan squeezed your hand lightly, you could feel they were slightly clammy from nerves but you gave him a confident squeeze back.

"That's right, I just knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her... and since we love the Mets it only seemed right." he smiled.

Everyone at the table let out an 'aww' as you looked over at Dylan, for a moment forgetting that you were pretending. You leant over and pressed a kiss against his cheek, leaving Dylan flustered.

"You two really are a match made in heaven! When's the wedding?!" One of them asked.

You turned to Dylan, letting him answer it.

"Oh, well... we're just enjoying this stage in our lives, but soon." He replied.

"We're so happy for you two! We can't wait for the wedding." The girl said next to you.

You just smiled and nodded, feeling slightly sad inside that none of it was real.

Once the evening died down, the two of you left and stood at the end of their drive.

"It was nice being your fake fiance for the night." You said.

"I enjoyed it too, you being there with me." He said, scratching his neck nervously.

You smiled, unsure of what to say next.

"This whole thing had me thinking that we'd make a great couple, you know?" he said absentmidedly, not realising you were staring at him.

"Just go with it, right?" you smiled, interlocking your fingers with his, "I guess it was pretty nice pretending to be with you."

"How about I take you out for a real date... say, tomorrow?" He asked, gazing at you with those hypnotising chestnut, brown eyes.

"I'd love that, fake fiancé." You smiled up at him.

He smiled, before taking a chance and stealing a lingering kiss, when he pulled away he couldn't stop smirking, "sorry, I've just always wanted to do that."

"You have?" You didn't hide your surprise, but it was a pleasant one.

He just grinned, "goodnight, y/n."

"Goodnight, Dyl." You said as he walked away.


slightly inspired by one of my fave films 'just go with it' :)

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