Chapter 40 | Project She Is Gone

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He marched over to Rachel before he could do some serious damage he was held back by two guys.

He trashed. He screamed but he was not set free more people held him back as he tried to reach for Rachel who looked terrified and ran out of the classroom with her two followers trailing right after her

He was going to kill all three of them.

"Enzo, cool down, take in deep breaths." He was blinded by rage. So much rage that he was unable to cool down, he wanted to find Rachel and kill her.

People like her di not deserve to be alive.

Brandon and Jordan shared a look. They had never seen Lorenzo so mad, his eyes where deadness, a stillness and a promise that worse was yet to come if he was set free – he was going to kill Rachel.

Enzo tried his best to be set free but when his two best friends came trying to cool him down and all it did was anger him. He did not want to be cooled down.

"Enzo, cool the fuck down. Alex needs you, she is at the hospital."

The anger he once felt faded away as an icy numbness washed all over me.

"What?" He chocked out as he finally let himself be cooled down.

Lorenzo did not remember how they made it to the hospital. His feet were moving but he was not controlling them. He did not remember when Brandon told him to snap out of it.

Alex was at the hospital.

He never felt more scared then he did at that moment. Alex, she was at the hospital.

They waited for a few minutes before a male doctor called out asking who Alex's mom was and when she shakily answered she was.

It did not take a genius to know what he had said when Lorenzo heard Alex's mom agony cries when the doctor said the words no one wanted to hear at the hospital.

She was gone. Alex was no longer with us. She was proclaimed dead at 08: 40. They said she did not suffer. They said she died instantly that there was nothing to be done.

They said it was not suicide. They said she had a nasty pump on her head that the force of her knocking her head against a floor or a hard surface caused a leakage of blood to enter the brain and the cause of this caused a mild stroke which she could not handle and that was the reason as to why she did not see the truck coming towards her.

The accident did not kill her it was the stroke.

Someone did something to her. Someone killed Alex and when the video surfaced where Rachel roughly pushed her onto the ground that was the evidence they needed to charge her with second-degree murder.

No matter what they said Lorenzo knew Rachel killed her. It was her fault that Alex was no longer with him. It was her fault that he lost the only person he truly ever loved.

It would always be her fault that Lorenzo lost the one girl he loved apart of his mother and sister. It was her fault that he lost the person who changed who he was.

He could not take it anymore when he collapsed onto the ground. He remembered staying on his knees for hours. It could have been days or even weeks, he didn't know. He didn't care.

What was the point of him finding a reason to wake up every morning when he lost her?

Brandon cussed him, shoved him and urged him to stand up to at least see Alex.

See her pale dead body in the hospital room, he did not want to. They said he had an hour. An hour before they covered her up. Sophia said he would regret it if he didn't at least see her one last time. So he went in.

There she laid. She didn't seem dead, she wasn't pale...yet. It almost seemed as if she was asleep but the nasty purple bump on her head said otherwise and she was not waking up.

Not now, not ever.

He walked further into the room away from the prying eyes when he was truly alone he let it all out. When he cried there was so much rawness to it, as if the pain of losing her would never go away. It would always be a constant reminder of what he lost.

He clasped onto something for support, anything, a table or the back of a chair. His whole body would shake. The sobs were stifled at first as he attempted to hide his grief, then overcome by the wave of his emotions he broke down entirely, all his defenses washed away in those salty tears.

"Alex, you promised you would be there in ten years when I came crying to you because I didn't listen to you and continued smoking," he begged her. He was on his knees, pleading her to wake up but she didn't.

He fooled himself into thinking that maybe if he stared longer at her that she might wake up.

He refused to look away, even as his lips trembled and his shoulders heaved with emotion, unwilling to back down.

His dark lashes brimmed heavy with tears; his hands clenched into shaking fists, in a desperate battle against the grief.

He shakily stood up as he towered over the bed was she peacefully laid.

He wept, tears streaming from his deep blue eyes, loud, heaving sobs tore from his throat, and still, he did not look away.

He was adamant that if he stared at her he might see a movement anything that would show him that she wasn't gone.

Not until the sobs drove him to his knees did his determined gaze fall.

He was pathetic.

He stayed on his knees as he lightly held her soft delicate hands into his rough huge ones as he closed his eyes in defeat.

It might seem insane to others but he could have sworn when he closed his eyes that he could almost feel her soft lips on his lips and one last time before opening his eyes he saw her smile once more.

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