It was tragic as she lost the title, the kingdom, the royal family fell into bits. Now the reason for that was that she was selfish, cruel and wicked. When Len calls me selfish, it only brings me to that thought. Making me think, am I like Rilianne? Selfish, cruel and wicked.

I quickly disposed of the thought before I go into another one of my trance.

"She'd probably wish she would be me! What would Allen think of you? I don't think he would appreciate you as a playboy." I smirked.

"I'm not a playboy!"

"Says the one that dated over ten girls this year!"

"Half of them were forced! They forced me into it!"

"What about the other half?"

"Um one actually moved away, the other wanted to break up, the other one was just to intense, the other two........I actually don't know what happened to them."

"Wow such a good way to treat a lady!"

"Says the one dresses that completely say 'take me on now!'"

"I do not dress like that!"

"A crop top and high short shorts?"

"Hmm!" I pouted. "I hate you." I mumbled.

We arrived at the house. I got out quickly, slamming the door shut, before running inside our house and locking the door. He he he won't be able to get in now. Plus to make it even worse it's raining.

I then ran, all the way to his room. Ugh he really needs to get a better taste! Poster of bananas everywhere! He even has a plushie! I ignored it, quickly pushing all his textbooks and papers out of the way which was covering his desk making them land onto the floor.

I dug around until AHA! His laptop! I opened it and of course it was password verified.

Let me guess, 'banana'!" it got in! Like really Len?! Really?! He is such a baka!

I scrolled revealing files and more files of useless stuff until I found something interesting it was a folder that said 'We are not a shota!' I clicked on it, to find a video of him and Pike complaining that they are not shotas. (Y'all know what song I'm talking about ;) )

They're such babies! Though the song was super funny that I had to upload it! I quickly went onto my YouTube account and uploaded the song, so that the whole world can see it!

I grinned before I heard knocks on the window outside in the hallways. I walked out making sure Len didn't see me in his room.

Suddenly I heard a sound, as if rocks where being throw at the window. I took a peak through, seeing the wet banana outside.

I got on all fours, silently crawling away from Len's room, quietly shutting it. Then I crawled to the window and jumped up starling Len.

"You look cold!" I yelled.

"LET ME IN!" He yelled angrily.

"No can do!" I smiled before crouching below the window.

I smirked before giving him an innocent smile while waving at him. He glared at me, it was too funny as he was soaked in water.

I closed the blinds, walking back to his room. Then a sneaky idea came into my awesome head.

I looked around and luckily he had a printer, with color ink. I went back to his computer, printing out some 'nice' pictures for him.

I laughed as I taped them on every inch of the wall. It was magnificent!

I closed all the tabs and placed everything back where it was. I walked out, letting the soak banana in.

Oliver (Vocaloid) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now