"Okay, but Kyle what time are we going to be back?"

"Eight, nine, I don't know," He shrugged.

I sighed. "We have to get back before ten. My dad-."

"I know, that's why I said eight or nine," He said smiling.

"Okay, see you," I said, pecking him on the lips before leaving.


I'm stood in front of the mirror checking myself out in the floral dress Kyle bought for me. I applied makeup of powder, foundation, eyeliner and lipstick. I just hope it isn't much, I wouldn't want Kyle's dad to see me like a chick instead of a girlfriend. I laughed to myself, what am I saying?


That must be Kyle. I checked myself one last time in the mirror I'm good to go. I ran downstairs as Kyle doesn't like lateness. I got to the front porch and saw Kyle leaning by his car with a bouquet of flowers.

Slowly breathing in, I walked to him with a smile plastered on my face.

"You look beautiful as always," He said handing me the flowers, "For you."


"Let's go," He said opening the door of the passenger seat for me to enter. Such a gentleman. He got in the driver's seat and started the engine.

While on the road I continuously tapped my foot on the floor in nervousness. Kyle noticed this and kept his hand on my thigh.

"Don't worry babe, you'll do fine."

"I'm not nervous," I lied.

He chuckled. "You're tapping your foot babe, and it's written all over your face."

I frowned. "Is it that obvious?"

"Yeah," He smiled, his eyes fixed on the road.

I inhaled sharply and released. I'll be fine. I would just have dinner, chat, smile and head home. It can't be that hard right? Right? Ugh! Why did I agree to this anyway? I should have just said no, no! Now its too late to say no.

We pulled in the driveway and god this isn't a house anymore, it's a fucking mansion! It looked so beautiful tonight. The lights, the palm trees, and not to forget, the cars that decorated the driveway, looked expensive and glossy. This mansion must cost a fortune, I know Kyle is rich but I never knew he's this rich. How can someone be this rich, this wealth is enough to take care of a whole generation!

I stepped from the car, gaping at the large mansion that set beyond the sidewalk, towering over me as if attempting to intimidate me.

Uniquely twisted fencing kept the house enclosed, neatly trimmed hedges surrounded the house. As I stepped onto the sidewalk, I noticed a marble fountain sitting towards the right side of the lawn. A maiden holding a flower was perched on top, looking up towards the sky. Water spurted from her other hand, which lay gently out in front of it as if waiting for someone to take it in return. The water fell gently towards the crystal blue pool beneath it, causing ripples to form and wave out until they were no more. What a lovely sight!

As we approached the mansion, I couldn't help but hold my breath as I took in its magnificence. It's just so beautiful. We got to the door and it was opened by a butler, who welcomed us in. I've always wanted one of those. We walked into the house and I saw the tallest ceiling ever! Lovely moulding, a table in the centre, two flights of spiral staircases going up to the second floor, the floor is ceramic tile. There are pricey things all over the place. The kitchen has the best gadgets, the countertop is marble.

"So beautiful," I muttered.

He chuckled.

"No seriously Kyle this is beauteous! I can't believe you live here."

"I do. Come there's someone I want you to meet."

We walked further into the kitchen and Kyle looked like he was looking for someone.

"Ma, Ma," Kyle called out.

Ma? I thought his mom is dead.

"Ma!" He called out again yelling this time.

"Ya voy!" A woman called out in Spanish. She entered through a door in the kitchen revealing a woman in her forties and trust me she's not half bad.

"Ma come there's someone I want you to meet," Kyle said motioning to her. The woman came hurriedly smiling at us.

"Ma this is Lilia, my girlfriend," Kyle said grinning.

"Are you joking? Son no, don't break this girl's heart," She said, as she shook her head. Guess she knows about Kyle's play life and how unstable he is with girls.

"I'm not playing ma, she's my girlfriend," Kyle smiled.

She looked at Kyle shocked, unsure of whether to believe him.

"Really?!" She asked with her eyes widened.

Kyle nodded.

"Oh, my," She turned to me smiling. "I'm so sorry child, my name is Eugenia, it's nice to meet you."

"Hello, it's nice to meet you too," I smiled.

"I brought her for dinner, dad insisted," Kyle shrugged.

"Great, I was wondering who the plus one was." She said chuckling.

"Child feel free at home, and if Kyle does anything to hurt you, don't be afraid to tell me, I can bring him back to his senses," She smiled sheepishly at me.

"Sure," I chuckled. "Thank you."

She turned to Kyle, "Ella es hermosa," and winked at him.

"Lo sé," He replied her smiling. What the hell are they saying, I knew I should have been serious in Spanish class. Now I don't know a thing. They can be saying I'm ugly or fat or too skinny. What can I do, I just kept on smiling.

"Hello!" A voice cheerfully called from behind us. I spun my head quickly to the direction the sound was made. Turns out it's a man in his late forties who would be Kyle's father judging by the suit he wore which looks expensive.

Chapter 16 is over!!!

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