Chapter 14: Resentment

Start from the beginning

"Yuna? Is that you?" A smooth voice asked incredulously.


"Holy shit, it is you! What in the name of God are you doing out here, all alone in the streets?"

He walked towards me with narrowed eyes, licking his fingers that were drenched in melted strawberry ice cream. He paused for a few seconds to moan at the taste, then continued to walk towards me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him. As soon as he reached me, he pulled me into a bone-crushing hug, tangling his sticky fingers into my hair.

"Hey!" I whined, slapping his hands away from my newly washed hair. He pulled back a little and his eyes wandered over my face like he still couldn't believe I was standing in front of him.

"Mind explaining what the hell you're doing in the middle of a deserted road?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"No." I waved my hand dismissively. He stared at me blankly, then shook his head, his dirty blonde hair bobbing slightly on his high forehead.

"Let's go to my house."

My eyes brightened as soon as he said that, and I beamed at him. I looped my arm around his happily and this time, we both skipped down the road, singing a happy song and dancing along the way.

. . .

"Hello Mrs. Hansol!" I greeted her with a wide smile.

"Yuna! How many times have I told you to just call me Trisha? It makes me feel old!" She feigned a hurt look with a frown etched on her perfectly plucked eyebrows, but it soon vanished from her flawless face, replaced by a beaming one. She opened her arms to me, and I happily ran into them without objection, welcoming her warm and motherly hug. She ruffled my hair affectionately and smiled.

"So, how did we get so lucky, so as to be blessed by your presence?" She jokingly asked, raising an eyebrow. I grinned at her and shrugged.

"Nothing. Just crossed paths with Vernon, and he offered me to come visit. So, why not?"

She let out a hearty laugh. "Of course, of course! You're always welcome here, you know that right?"

I vigorously nodded, giving her an eye-reaching smile.

"Now, go along you two. And have fun!"

I heard Vernon let out an exasperated sigh of relief, instantly taking my hand in his rough ones and pulling me up the stairs of his three-storey house.

To say that Vernon's house was big would be an understatement. It was downright humongous. A huge piano sat idle in the middle of the vast living room, not been played for ages. The white marble walls were adorned with beautiful paintings, most of them being Leonardo Da Vinci. A large swimming pool which stored hundreds of our water fights, took up more than half of the garden that had every type of flower you could think of. I softly laughed, thinking back to how Mark always used to pluck a rose from here and gift it to me on Valentine's, claiming that he had grown it himself. And he always used to get smacked on the head by Vernon's dad, who loved his flowers like his own children.

"Hellooo. Earth to Yuna."

Vernon waved his hand in front of my face, his deep voice snapping me out of my trance.

"Oh, sorry. I spaced out," I muttered.

"Yeah, I could see that," he said in a teasing voice. "Anyways, take a seat milady." He gestured towards his enormous king sized bed. I rolled my eyes at him, but walked towards it, and heaved down, the latter jiggling heavily with my weight.

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