Chapter 36

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I gave Julian the death glare to know I'm not fucking around. I saw Kaylan sitting on the steps alone and I figured I'd talk to her instead of entertaining this clown shit. Sevyn quickly walked over and sat on his lap. I grabbed my plate throwing it in the trash. "Kaylan" I called. She looked up from her phone.

"Yes," she said annoyed.

"Lets talk," I said sitting beside her. "Okay, what do you want to talk about? She said nonchalantly.

"Let's talk about you mugging me back and forth today," I said softly. "I mean I can't really control how I look," she said looking back into her phone. I grabbed her phone placing it on my lap. She rolled her eyes placing her hands on her thigh.

"I understand why you were mad over the fallout between your brother and I, but like I said before you gotta realize that sometimes friends fallout over the smallest things. Then you get older and realize it wasn't that serious" I explained.

"I mean, yeah I get that but it felt like I lost an older sister" she admitted. When she said that I felt my heart sink. I didn't even think of it like that.

"When ya'll stopped talking, you really hurt his feelings. Tore him apart, he would look out the window hoping you would come over or say something to him in the hallway but you didn't. Its like we were all your family as well" she said. What she said really made me sad. I couldn't even imagine how that really made him feel. I didn't even want to vision that.

"And I'm sorry, I was just going through my own problems. I was your age at the time and 17-year-olds don't make wise decisions sometimes but don't sit up here and act like I would use your brother" I said

"That's what pissed me off with you because you came in attack mode calling me all kinds of gold diggers and I was like I know little Kay Kay ain't tryna check me" I joked. She laughed

"I'm sorry, but could you blame me? People change. You could've been a gold digger" I said.

"That's true, but you gotta know your brother well enough to know that he wouldn't intentionally bring trash into his home" I smiled.

She smiled "You're right, I just really missed you" she admitted. "Awwww I missed you too Kay" I smiled pulling her into a hug.

"How about I take you to Beautycon with me next month? Her eyes lit up "Oh my gosh I always wanted to go there" she smiled. "Yes, they give out free makeup and everything," I said.

"Plus you could find makeup for your prom," I said excitedly. "Oh my gosh yesss, you have to help me find my dress," she said.

"Okay I will, I will," I said hyped. "Well, I gotta start filming for this documentary. So if you have anything nice to say about your brother let me know" I said getting up from the step. "And get off the phone, ya'll be into your phones," I said walking away. I felt a feeling of relief. That's one beef killed two more to go. I turned my camera on taking it from around my neck. I looked at her big kitchen counter looking at his mother cut some cake. "Ms. Jenn is that your cake? I asked in excitement. "Yes, child that's your piece right there. I'd knew you'd be the first one to grab it" she chuckled.

"You already know it; this is like crack," I said taking a bite. All I've done since I've been here was eating "How you feel momma? She asked.

"Don't call me that Ms. Jen" I joked. "Well you are going to be a mommy," she said.

I sighed " I don't know how to feel about it. I'm just getting morning sickness" I said rubbing my belly. "Hm well, I guess I'll be talking to you a little later than," she said.

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