Just nibbles but no food

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I have been waiting on a transfer for my husband's job and there are three offices that have openings but the upper management for whatever reason is not opening them up. I want to get packing and get moved and get this house sold as soon as possible. 

I have been on Paxil for about two months now. I really feel my sex drive take a dive. My husband has obviously noticed it too. I am forty seven and I don't want to have sex five or six times a week. I'm tired all the time and here lately my husband has resorted to guilt. Guilt at every turn. I must not love him, there's somebody else. If it wasn't so annoying it would be funny. 

I would like to change medications but I agreed to give this three more months just to really see how well it works. I told the doctor that even though I am still tired, I seem to get more done. So it must give me some energy. I don't know. I don't know anything anymore.

My temper, I noticed, how gotten shorter on this medication. My kids are brats because honestly, I don't like to whoop them, and some times they need it. But before it would take a lot to get me to the point that I will whoop them. Now, that point has gotten closer and closer.

I hate this depression shit. I suffer, my husband suffers but most of all, my kids suffer. I remember my son coming to me a couple of months ago and tell me, "you are always in bed, everyday when we get home from school." And it's true, around two o'clock in the afternoon, I just want to collapse so I take a nap and they get home at four o'clock, so I am laying in bed 90 percent of the time when they get home. 

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