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We had a friend come and visit us this past weekend. He was from California but he is living in Texas now. We had heard all sorts of rumors about this man, doing drugs was one of them. He came out and flatly said he was not on drugs before he came to our house. We didn't know so we gave him the benefit of doubt. When this guy showed up, it wasn't the old friend we use to know. He was totally grey and he just looked defeated. After the first day, we talked to him about it and he told us what happened to him. 

He said he had depression. He then told us a story about his parents and how he was brought up and this man was in tears. He talked about taking medicine and how he felt it didn't work and so he doubled it and he still felt like it didn't work. He repeated himself a lot and during this whole time, I kept checking his pupils because come on, I have kids I need to worry about. But the whole time he was here, I never saw any dilated pupils. I didn't ask too many questions, I felt if he did have depression, it was not my place to be his doctor and give advice. 

My husband said he talked to him a lot when they walked the property in the back. He truly feels like his friend is 'broke' and that is very sad. I wish him well and hope he can live with his depression and still have a life.

I asked my husband today after our friend left "Did you tell him I had depression?"

He said "yes, but I told him you seem to handle it alright." My husband told me that our friend told him, "I bet she cries a lot when she is alone."

Knowing he knew that made me feel all the more for him because he knew I knew what he was going through. And just that small connection can make someone feel a little bit better.

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