They drive me crazy......literally

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One thing that I am, is a planner. For anything. I have to be prepared or it drives me nuts. My dad is turning 80 this year. When he turned 60, we gave him a big party and my oldest sister did most of the work, I won't lie. I was young with no kids so I wasn't the most responsible person. My other older sister, always got away without doing much. Thank God for my older sister, I think she was the glue that held this family together. When she past, we just fell apart.

When my dad turned 70, after my oldest sister passed away, we had a party for him and I got stuck with all the work. I had two jobs and three kids under the age of five. But I got it done. In fact, my sister never did finish paying me all her share. When the party was over, she left quickly, not helping with any cleaning.

Now, my dad is turning 80. I live in Texas now so I can't be the person in charge of the party planning. His birthday is in August and in January, I started a group message asking my family down there what we were going to do. My ideas and a couple of my niece's ideas were shot down by my sister and her daughter. Trying to make it easier for them because they 'work'. I told my sister, I had two jobs and three babies when I planned his last party, 'but you lived in the same town' my sister said, so it was easier. This is a lady who was on welfare for thirty years before she got her first job. It truly makes me sick that she is so selfish.

Anyway, I started this in Jan. and they waited until a week ago to start planning. A week ago, (it's July 11), now I have to come up with a big lump of money instead of making payments like I wanted to do. And I don't care for what they have planned but I am here and they are there so what can I do?

I love my sister but I can't stand her. She was a fuck up her whole life up until the last ten years, she's 53, when she married her husband who has a good job but still is a thief and does incredibly stupid things at his jobs. My sister has gotten use to have money so she over looks it all. She calls me sometimes and tells me, 'you should call your mom'. I hate that, I'll call my mom when I decide, I don't need her to tell me. Aw, just thinking about it gets me pissed.

Then she tells my mom that I don't ever call her (my sister) so now I have my mom telling me I should call my sister. What the hell? If I want to talk, I'll talk. Most of the time, I don't want to talk. I hate taking vacations to California, I only do it because of my parents. I don't know how long I'll have them, hopefully another twenty years but I don't know.

 My sister's husband grabbed my rear twice at my wedding reception. My wedding reception!!!! So now my husband doesn't talk to her husband and now my family is saying that for the sake of harmony in the family, my husband should just get over it.

 See, they drive me crazy. 

I had one brother pass away but I still have one brother who I was pretty close to when we moved here. Now, he is closer to my sister but I don't know why. They have nothing in common. My sister drinks, smokes marijuana, and pops pain pills like they're candy. My brother is so straight laced that it's to the point of boring kind of. 

Damn, I don't even want to go down there on vacation because everybody get's their feelings butt hurt.

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