Husband that doesn't listen

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It is funny that husbands always thinks their right. It's been a rough week. I got to admit, family came down to visit and my regular routine was thrown out the window. I am exhausted and I have my lawn to cut today. I like to mow my yard. Being on my riding lawn mower gives me a peace that I don't normally have. I just put my ear phones on and with my music I spend hours making my yard look beautiful. I take pride in my yard. I am very particular about it. OCD even.

We moved out to the country for our kids. We live on a cul-de-sac with several houses on our street. Our properties up and down the street are all about one acre. The man across the street, we will call him Mike, when he mows his lawn, he leaves his grass cuttings on his yard, big pieces like hay, waiting for it to be bailed up. I can't take it. It upsets me so much. I never understood anyone who doesn't take pride in their things and their yard is an extension of their belongings.

I have other neighbors who don't mow but once a month. You have no idea how that bugs me. Yes, it's none of my business but I have to look at the shit. Why move out to a property if you don't like working in the yard? I will never understand.

I am exhausted, I need sleep and I need to mow the lawn and I need to go pick up my son's IPod he left at the restaurant yesterday, just glad to get it back!!!! I feel like I am being pulled in so many directions and I take a step in once direction just to step back and turn and take one step in another direction, step back and turn and take a step in another direction. I am like the person who can't make up their mind. But I can make up my mind, it just feels like this. An never ending battle of decision making.

One decision that I have had no problem with is moving back to California. I can't wait although I do have a few people here I will miss. But I miss my family more. So back to California for me!

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