It is Easter for gosh sakes

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My husband, though I love him with all my heart, to me, sometimes he just doesn't get it. Monday is our son's 11th birthday. We offered him a party or $100 cash. He took the $100 cash expecting to buy a birthday present. He is in to air soft guns right now and I know he was looking forward to buying a machine gun type thing that goes for $100-$150. Then his dad 'surprised' him by saying you can keep $20 but $80 is going into your bank. 

I know my son would have picked a party if he knew that was the stipulation of the deal. Heck, I didn't know that was the stipulation. I feel bad because for me, it's not like we even got him anything.  So in the end, we gave him basically $20 and no party. His dad will say we went out for a birthday lunch but his sister was visiting from out of state and we were going to take them to lunch anyway.

I know the value of saving, I really do, I just feel like my son got the raw end of the deal on this one. When my kids get gifts for Christmas, I let them keep the gift cards  but most of the cash goes into the savings. This was just the deal though. But I am made to feel like I give in to the kids all the time. He makes me feel crazy and I know I don't need help with that.

So anyway, now the whole house is mad and my husband blames me for offering the $100 instead of party deal that he says he had no idea of. Which is a lie of course because I asked him about it before we brought it up to our son. We really didn't have time for a party for him this year because Easter fell so close to his birthday and next weekend we have a walk-a-thon thing. I can't win.

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