Changing medication isn't easy

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Reading about Paxil before I went on it, I read about how most people gained weight on it. There were a few who said they stayed the same so I thought, what the heck, I'll try it. I started gaining weight almost immediately. I am not a big exercise person but I do work outside a lot either doing the yard or creating some master piece. I don't have a lot of energy so I know weight will collect on me faster than other people. There are days I could walk three to four miles but most days, I feel blah, tired, exhausted. 

I called the doctor after about two months and ten pounds later to change back to Wellbutrin. I was suppose to ween myself off slowly off Paxil and start with the Wellbutrin. No one ever accused me of being smart. I quit the Paxil cold turkey because I just wanted to get off it and fast. The result? I feel like I have a hundred tiny bugs crawling over me and I itch everywhere. I hate this sensation and hope it ends soon.

As far as moving goes, I think we are stuck here at least until my husband retires, which sucks because last week my dad was admitted into the VA Hospital in Fresno, Ca. His hemoglobin was down to 6, yes 6.  IF he would have waited much longer he would have died. But I should be there to help with him. That fact, tears me apart. They thought he had internal bleeding because he lost so much blood but it has something to do with his B12 absorption. Needs to take shots. Maybe that little gene that got me so sick when I was younger came from him...hmm

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