The Stress of Moving

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Finally, after four years of wanting a transfer to go back home, one has finally come through. We are from California and to say that Texas was a shell shock of an experience doesn't quite cover it. My husband got the call a couple of days ago and when he called me with the news, I guess I went into shock because he thought I was upset because I became so quiet. I was truly in shock. I was happy, am happy but as soon as I found that out, I started stressing about the move. Now you got to remember a class party gives me such anxiety, this is going to make my vitiligo spread something fierce. Stress causes it to spread. On the move over here, I developed a fu Manchu of white skin. Talk about depressing. I wouldn't leave my house without make-up. So I am interested, wait, no I am dreading what this move back will cost my skin. We did good news though about how much we could list our house for sale. So that's something I guess. I need to get boxes and start packing up all the unseen items that seems to never end when you're packing. I will start with closets and pans and bowls I hardly ever use.

I also have the stress of finding drivers that could help us drive all our vehicles (our two vehicles plus the moving truck). I have two step daughters in California that I hope I can get closer to when we move back. That's stressful. As I try to clean up and pack, I find stuff that I don't use and I post it to the online garage sites that I am members of.  I kind of got addicted to those things. It's weird how something is so awesome to one person but thrown out by another.  Making sure everything is done and I don't forget anything. I forget everything all the time so I will have to see how that plays out. Lists. Lists are my best friend. I have post it notes stuck everywhere like I'm some freakin genius. A weird genius.

Sold some more stuff online today. Ridding my house of all the little things we don't use. Paxil, the new antidepressant must be working a little because I seem to get more things done. I still feel tired but I do more. I am not absolutely falling to sleep during the day. I'm only taking 10mg, a small dose but 20mg put me out like a light. I'm gonna need strength.

I text my niece today to see if she wanted her mother's bread maker. I have had it since my sister passed away and I didn't ever want to let go of it so I will take it as a good sign that I am giving it to her.

 I feel my thoughts are jumbled up and I am just mumbling. Could someone please comment that they too feel like this sometimes? Or please leave any comments.

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