Lia💞: We are not even! Poetry is way better😒

Kyle❤: I'm not gonna have this argument with you. Bye Lia💕

Lia💞: 😘

Smiling I read the chat again, if I was told a month before that I'm gonna be dating Kyle Rogers I wouldn't have believed it, in fact, I would have laughed hysterically. Who would have thought? I'm so happy I didn't commit suicide all those times I wanted to because then I wouldn't have been dating the hottest guy in school. Lucky me. Any girl would kill to be in my position.

My phone screen popped up to reveal a message from Amira.

Amira😆: Hey😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

I chuckled seeing this. Typical Amira and her emojis

Lilia😜: Hey

Amira😆: What time did you get home😏

Lia😜: Like two hours ago🙈

Amira😆: Lilia, Lilia hope you didn't do the dirty. I don't really trust Kyle😒

Lilia😜: Naa lol we went to Simmons🙌

Amira😆: Really?!

Lilia😜: Yep! It tasted like heaven👄

Amira😆: I need a boyfriend😭😭😭

Lilia😜: 😁😁😁

Amira😆: You enjoyed yourself right😏

Lilia😜: Enjoyed?! I practically wanted to live there🙌🙌🙌

Amira😆: Lmao😂 You're gonna drain Kyle😁😁😁

Lilia😜: 🙈🙈🙈

Amira😆: Anyways, whatever Paige said don't take it to heart. She's a bitch and soon enough she's gonna come running to you and you gonna ditch her👿👿👿

Lilia😜: Lol Thanks b❤

Amira😆: I got you❤

I ended the chat and drifted to sleep but not before locking my door. What a long beautiful day it was and I'm not ready to make my dad spoil it.


"Lilia, get your lazy ass down and come make me breakfast!" I heard my dad yell from downstairs waking me up.

"God, why do you put me through so much torture?" I said, looking at the ceiling. Sighing, I get out of bed and shuffle towards my bathroom to take a shower. It's only 6:50 and school which is fifteen minutes drive starts at eight.

I used my shampoo; red mango and mint and dried my body before putting on my undergarments and my robe.

"What to wear... What to wear?" I really want to look good today since Kyle would be introducing me to Caleb and Sawyer today. I wouldn't want them to see me as an ogre. Finally, I settled on a white shirt with blue jeans and blue converse.

Drying my wet hair I brushed it and smiled at the mirror. I only applied powder with light lipstick and mascara.

Now I'm ready.

I picked up my school bag and put my phone in it retreating downstairs to make breakfast for my wonderful father. Note my sarcasm.

I got to the kitchen and saw my dad drinking coffee from the mug while reading a newspaper.

"Good morning sir," I bowed my head and he replied with a nod. I started making breakfast and as I was walking to the fridge I accidentally nudged my dad's shoulder and all of his coffee fell on the newspaper he was reading. Oh shit!

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