Twenty Six ♡

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I was curled up under a soft blanket as I laid myself against Andy's chest. His chest rose and fell normally, the sound of his heartbeat in one of my ears while the sound of the television was in the other. We'd been watching television for a few hours now and neither of us were tired.

I shifted my body and sat up, straightening out my back. Andy looked over at me and gave a fake pout as he asked why I moved. "My back was feeling stiff." I told him. I turned side to side, listening to the soft crack! that came from my back. "That feels so much better."

Andy chuckled and turned back to the TV. I leaned forward and grabbed him by the face, turning it to face me. "Tell me something."

He arched a brow. "What?"

"I don't know. Tell me something."

"Like what?" Andy asked me. He shifted his body so he sat against the arm of the couch so he was now facing me. I shrugged my shoulders in response.

"Do you miss being human?" I asked him in a gentle tone. Andy seemed a bit surprised at the question, and I was now worried I was stepping on some toes or into bad grounds. His eyes trailed down and he traced one of his claws against the fabric of the couch.

"I mean, of course I do." Andy finally said without looking up at me. He took a moment before he spoke again. "I miss how life used to be and I miss being normal."

"But I've learned to live with this curse, and it's been an uphill battle that I'll probably never overcome. So I have to just face the facts and understand this is my life now." Andy's red eyes darted up to meet mine. I stayed silent, swallowing the lump in my throat that had formed itself.

"Can I ask you something?" Andy asked.

I nodded my head. "Of course."

"Do you wish I was human?" I paused, letting his words sink in. Andy sat still, his eyes never leaving mine as he waited for my response. His eyes held a clear sign of worry— did he expect me to say yes? I slowly shook my head without second guessing it. "It doesn't make a difference to me whether you're human or not."

"It doesn't bother you?"

"Why would it?"

Andy shifted himself a bit. He looked very uncomfortable— not by the way he was sitting, but just him in general. He always looked less confident whenever he was in this form of himself. "I don't know. This obviously isn't a normal relationship in any way possible."

"I know that." I nodded.

"But wouldn't you rather not have to constantly worry about pissing me off or— or afraid your boyfriend might hurt you?" Andy looked back down, unable to look me in the eyes as he spoke. I bit my lip nervously but said nothing. There were words I wanted to say but nothing was coming out.

"I— I'm not worried now." I finally said.

He looked up. "That's a lie."

"No Andy, I'm serious." For once I finally saw Andy afraid. He wasn't afraid of anything but himself, something I never thought of. I took a pause before speaking again, thinking of the words I wanted to say. "I mean I'm worried to piss you off or upset you, but that's how any relationship works. They don't want to upset each other. They want the other to be happy."

"And yeah sure I worry sometimes or I'm afraid but not of you." I continued, emphasizing the word you as I spoke. Andy flicked his eyes up to me and asked what I was afraid of. I pursed my lips a bit and sighed. "I don't know I guess I'm afraid of not being enough."

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