Thirty Five ♡

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I woke up with a splitting headache. My head was throbbing with immense pain and I closed my eyes as I let out a groan. My phone buzzed under my pillow and I groaned even louder, feeling around for it.

"Hello?" I asked groggily.

"Hey, are you coming in?" My co-worker Sam asked, her tone sounding a little worried. I mentally cursed and groaned softly as I tried to rattle a lie out of my head.

"I uh— I'm really sick." I tried.

"You're scheduled in thirty." Shit.

"I've been throwing up since last night. You don't want me in, trust me." I pried on, waiting for a respond. I heard a sigh on the other end before she said, "Alright you're right. I'll call someone to cover for you. Feel better."

"Thanks." I muttered before ending the line.

I threw my face down onto the pillow as I let out another long groan. A cold hand trailed up my back, rubbing it gently as I heard a deep chuckle in my ear. "What's wrong baby?"

"My head hurts." I mumbled.

I rolled onto my back. "My body hurts."

"I'm sorry about that." Andy sighed, chuckling lightly as I slowly sat myself up. I clutched at my head and let out another groan, and I saw him extend a hand out. In his hand were two little pills and a glass of water. I thanked him and took the painkillers, drowning them with water as they went down my throat.

"Not your fault." I mumbled.

"Partially my fault."


"When I— fed— last night, I took a little more than I should've and that leaves people sore, weak, and sometimes dazed." Andy told me slowly as he looked at me. A soft oh escaped my chapped lips and I nodded my head. "Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything?"

"No, I just have a killer headache and my body is a little sore. I'll be fine." I reassured him, rubbing my head. I swung my legs off of the side of the bed and slowly stood myself up. Instantly my body felt limp and I felt my knees start to buckle. Andy was at my side in seconds, catching me as I started to fall.

"Woah— easy there." Andy said.

I shook my head. "Sorry. My bad."

"Here let me help you." Andy said. He grabbed me and swung me up, holding me bridal style as he carried me across the room. Andy carried me down the stairs into the kitchen, setting me down at one of the seats. I mumbled a thank you and rested my elbows on the table as I let my head fall onto my hands.

"I feel like shit." I muttered.

"So do I." Andy commented.

I looked at him. "Why? You said it yourself that you never get hungover." Andy carried a fresh glass of water my way. He set it down in front of me and pulled a chair so he could sit down next to me. "I feel like shit for making you feel like shit you dork."

I shooed him off and told him it was fine. My mother called asking when I'd be home, and I was about to say later that day however I realized I'd be with Andy. Quickly I came up with a lie and told her I'd be working till close.

"You sound sick." She said. "You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just tired."

I ended that call quickly and went back to resting my head on my hands while Andy grabbed himself breakfast. He offered me some but I had to decline— my stomach was not ready to hold anything.

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