Nothing again

I was really pissed now.

"I don't get why you angry it's not like it's your business."


He pushed the brakes of the car and came to a halt. I was shocked at his sudden outburst.

"It's not my business? Seriously Lia?! Everything about you is my business especially when you cry!" He roared.

Okay, I was a little taken aback. I didn't know what to say, my mouth was agape.

"Something made you cry and I asked you but you decided to keep it from me and you think I won't be mad? Hell, I'm ire."

"Kyle you didn't need to know," I mumbled.

"Someone made you cry & I didn't need to know? For fucks sake I'm your fucking boyfriend Lia. I need to know everything, I need to underst-"

I cut him off.

"It's Paige alright!" I yell, tears streaming down my face. "It's Paige," I whispered still sobbing.

"Paige?" He asked confused.

I nodded.

"What happened?" He asked with a tone of care and worry.

"She said she didn't want to be friends with me again because her boyfriend Aidan doesn't like me," I sniffed while drying my tears.

"So that's what made you cry?" He raised a brow, "Because someone doesn't want to be your friend again?" Irritation clear in his voice.

"You don't understand, she was my first and only friend."

"Was. Now you have me and Amira and probably Sawyer and Caleb. You have us. You lost one person that was replaced by four. That's justifiable trust me."

"I don't know Kyle. She was pretty mean. I feel worthless."

"Hey hey hey, look at me," He used his index finger to lift my chin. "No one can ever make you feel worthless. Don't you ever say that. You are worth more than anything in this world. If you were worthless, I wouldn't have asked you out. Trust me." He smiled.

I couldn't help but smile back. He's right though and now that I think of it, Paige hasn't really been a friend. She wants to be the centre of attraction every time and even though she has tried being friends with Helen Keller, the most popular girl in school and it didn't work out, she tried other means and I think dating Aidan is one of them.

He starts the car and we are back on the road. He approached my house but makes a turn away from the direction leading there.

"Where are we going? My house is that way." I pointed in the direction.

"I know." He grinned.


"Simmons," He smirked.

"Oh my! Kill me now! Kyle are you serious? We're going to Simmons?!"

He nodded.


I know you all must be wondering why I'm so excited. Simmons is a place of heaven. Its earth's heaven. They have all kinds of chocolates, candy and everything there is made of chocolates. I love there but it's expensive and there's no one to take me. But luckily Kyle is going to!

"I know it's not been up to a day but you're the best boyfriend ever!" I scream.

"I know, I know."

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