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"My place is with Hiccup, dad." It felt strange to say it out loud, to admit both to your father and the the man you were slowly developing...some sort of attraction to, that you had made your home on Berk. "I don't think I'd know who I really am, if I stay here. I need to find Astra. I need my memories. And...I can't find those here." You looked at your feet, like suddenly they were the most interesting thing in the room. "I'm sorry."

Your father gave a grim smile, looking towards Hiccup as if to silently say; "You win. Just take care of my baby girl." Hiccup was more than shocked to hear that your place was with him. Did you...did you like him back? He had noticed that you were slowly growing attached to him, but paid no mind because that happens with friends all the time. But now...it was just the way you said it that made him question if it was more than just that.

You looked up, all eyes landing back on you. Your father stepped in closer and drew your chin up with his forefinger and thumb. "You're seventeen, you've been with a dragon, on your own for twelve years. You've only just come back home, on the back of a dragon just like the one who took you away. You've grown, and matured. You've found your identity and made yourself a new home." He cupped your face with both hands and kissed your forehead. "You have my blessing, to follow your heart. To find your place in this world."

Your eyes brimmed with tears, more than happy that your father wasn't forcing you to stay or making this any harder on you than it was. "You both have my blessing." He turned to Hiccup. "Take care of her. I know she's strong and can fend for herself, but until she's the strong girl I know she used to be, please protect her. She's the only child I've ever had or ever will have. She's my miracle from God himself."

Hiccup nodded, not liking that this man was hinting at different beliefs to his own, by stating that there was only one God, but took the words to heart and knew what was being asked of him. "Of course. I'd do anything for her." His words touched you, and yet you felt they weren't meant to be interpreted as the words of a close friend. You didn't try to think further about it, and instead hugged your father. "I'm so thankful that you understand."

"You have my word and blessing. But please, please return soon. Let me know my beloved daughter is safe and sound." You nodded, tightening your hold on him. Hiccup nodded to himself, before coughing to gain your father's attention. "I, uh, am the son of the Chief who sent this raid. If you don't mind, I'd like to speak to the Chief of this village and arrange for a peace treaty."

Your father smiled. "I'm the leader of this village. I'm no Chief, but I am a nobleman, under King Authur's reign. I own these lands by his law." You pulled away from your father. "That's good enough too. He might not listen to me, but, a note from you might take his interest." You father nodded. "Go prepare yourselves and your friends to head back home. I'll give you the note before you go." And with that you left your father's house.

For the next hour or so, you and Hiccup got yourselves and the rest of the Berkians rested, fed, and ready to leave. Hiccup was about to fly off when you said quickly; "Wait! The note, Hiccup!" As you said it, your father rushed over, a wax sealed envelope in his hand. Hiccup halted Toothless and froze, eyes wide. "I almost forgot!"

Hiccup took the note from your father, thanking him and putting it in Toothless' saddle bag. You smiled at your father and leaned off the saddle a little to plant a kiss on his cheek, before sitting upright once again and wrapping your arms around Hiccup's torso. "Remember to come back soon!" He shouted as Toothless took off, waving furiously at you both. Following Hiccup's lead, the rest of Berk followed suit, some shouting goodbyes to the friends they made during their stay.

As you began your hour flight back to Berk, you began to think of your parents, and how, if this was all just somehow part of a movie set in viking times, how they were real. How any of this was real. You didn't like wondering about this, because it confused you and you prayed to the gods that this wasn't a dream and that it was as real as Hiccup's chest that your arms were wrapped around, and the air you were breathing.

You didn't want to believe that this wasn't all real, because it was too real to be fake. It didn't make any sense at all.

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