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Your only response is an eyebrow furrow and a very confused; "Huh?" Your father sighs and looks at you with a sad smile. "Twelve years ago, while you were still young, you were stolen away by a black beast." Fresh tears well in his eyes, but his focus falls on Toothless. His eyes widen and he shakily points to the dragon. "A black beast! Like him!" You look towards Toothless, still confused.

"What do you..." You trailed off, thoughts going back to the day Hiccup saved you on Outcast Island. When you woke up on the shore, there was caterwauling cry and a black figure that had darted away. Was that...? You and Hiccup followed your father, your mind running slowly as you remembered the past twelve years of your life. You arrived out the front of a house which was, thankfully, unharmed from the raid.

"There's so much to talk to you about." Your father says, a sad smile on his face as he led you both inside the house. Hiccup looked around suspiciously, not believing a word of this, whilst you were caught up in memories. You remembered that night. When you were five. Being swooped up by a dragon just like Toothless. By another Night Fury.

Your eyes widen and you gasp, looking up at Hiccup. "I need to find Astra!" Hiccup gave you a confused look. "Who?" You looked towards your father, then back to Hiccup. "She's the dragon, Hiccup, the Night Fury who took me as a child from my parents!" Hiccup's eyes widened, he didn't know what to say or believe. "Another Night Fury? But...what? How?"

You looked at him, seeing the uncertainty in his eyes. "I don't remember much, but I remember this." You turn to your father. "I promise you Astra had no ill intent to take me away from you." You took a step towards him, but Hiccup grabbed your hand. "I...I don't know what to believe here, (name). The rarity of Night Furies, I just..." You nod. "I understand. But I'm not lying. I swear."

Your father walked toward you, pulling you into a hug. As he did, Hiccup's hand slipped from yours. Hiccup frowned as this happened. "It looks like we both have a lot of explaining, doesn't it?" You nodded and pulled back from the hug slightly. "I think, first though, we need to deal with the villagers, clean up the mess of this raid, and get everyone settled." Your father nodded. "I agree. I knew you were always a natural-born leader." He smiled at you, pride gleaming in his eyes.

You smiled back and turned to Hiccup. "C'mon, let's go deal with the others before we talk to my father, okay?" Hiccup could only nod as you lead him out, before getting jumped on by a worried Night Fury. You laughed and went to go talk to the villagers, trying to sort things out.

The sun had set by the time the Berkians had helped clean up the mess of the village and had tended to some of the less damaged homes. Many apologised multiple times, but there were those who were being stubborn and refused to say anything of that sort.

That was fine, however. You knew they came here to survive. You didn't like the idea of them destroying a village and looting the dead, but you also knew sometimes people were driven to do bad things in order to survive. Memories flashed through your mind, of times with Astra where you had to fight your way out of things because the dragons and men alike wouldn't cooperate with you.

"Should we head back?" You snapped out of your thoughts, turning to look at Hiccup. He stood by your side, looking at you with mild concern. "Sure. There's a lot I need to process, though." He nodded in understanding. "I get that." He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into a side hug. "But you keep daydreaming and it's making me worry. Honestly...I don't trust this man. He could be lying for all we know."

You gave Hiccup a small smile. "Hiccup, I promise he's not lying. I can remember just a bit of my childhood before I was taken by Astra. And he was there for a lot of it." He sighed. "I'm not doubting you, (name). I'm just worried." You pulled away from him a little and looked up at his face. It's wasn't far from yours. "Are you worried about me?" He hesitated before nodding a little. "Yeah..."

You smiled at his concern. Truth be told it was cute he cared so much. But you wouldn't admit it anytime soon. You didn't even know exactly what you were feeling towards him, or if he even felt anything towards you. You'd have to keep it to yourself for a while. "I promise everything will go okay." You held out your hand with your pinky extended. "I pinky promise." Hiccup smiled at your childish choice of promise but linked pinkies with you anyways. "Alrighty then. It's a pinky promise."

You both smiled. "Okay, let's head back." You said as you lead him towards your father's house. You both walked in a comfortable silence until you reached the door. You hesitated before knocking. Almost instantly the door swung open and your father was in the door frame. "Are you ready?"

You took a deep breath and nodded. "Yes." And with that, you and Hiccup followed your father into the house.

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