Chp. 52 "Great News"

Start from the beginning

I watched her move slightly, and her face contorted into pain as she began waking up. I felt my heart tear, and I was suddenly even more excited to tell her about the cure.

The more she began waking up the more I realized how hard it actually was for her. She was in extreme pain, and it was killing me to see it.

When I would leave the room I would try to leave the pain behind too, to try and focus on the task at hand. Then I would step foot back into this room and step right back into the depression and pain, because I would see the girl I was in love with suffering in pain.

I put my hand on her head, wishing I could somehow take some of the pain away. I just wanted to see her smile again, but maybe this news would do it for her.

I switched the bedside lamp on, and suddenly I saw her eyes that were now laced with brownish red liquid. I knew that it was blood, and I knew she had gotten even worse since the last time I had seen her. I felt tears welling in my eyes as she struggled to look at me, so I propped myself above her, careful not to put any pressure on her body.

"Avery, they've found a cure. They're gonna make you better baby," I hadn't realized it until now, but I was crying. All of the stress inside of me was now being released, and as I sobbed silently into Avery I knew she understood me.

She whispered, "That's... great."

She was weak but she managed to muster up words. I cried into her neck silently as I held her in my arms, finally feeling a release I had been longing for, for quite some time now.

I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her lips that were hot with fever, but I didn't care. My face was damp with tears as I smiled into her kisses, feeling my heart race in my chest from the excitement.

Then I remembered, I needed to tell Max and Gage.

I sat up from her and smiled, "I need to tell Max..."

She dropped her hand from my face, seeming to lose her strength. She nodded, "Go."

I bolted out of the room and through the lab, running as fast as I could towards the elevator. I knew Max was probably relaxing in his room, so I knew exactly where to go. I nearly fell into the elevator and to my surprise I wasn't the only one in there.

A tall blonde, her long but tone legs captivating my gaze as I allowed my eyes to travel up her body. She had light brown eyes that were laced with green flecks, and her red lips were coated deliciously with lipstick. She was wearing office attire, a skirt and a flowy shirt with, finished with heels that defined her leg muscles.

And suddenly I couldn't breath.

She smiled slightly, letting me know that I had been caught staring at her. She was reading files before I had interrupted her, but she spoke, "You look as if you were in a hurry."

Her voice was smooth and sexy, and when my eyes caught hers I felt my heart race. I smiled, attempting to sound un-phased by her but failing miserably. I nodded, "I have some good news to deliver."

She eyed me slightly and held her hand out, "Agent Berkley."

I took her hand, "Andrea Mason."

She tilted her head then, smiling, "Fred Mason's daughter, I've heard good things about you."

I smiled, leaving over and pressing the floor I needed. I leaned casually against the metal wall trying to look cool, "Have you?"

She nodded, closing her folder and turning to completely face me. This allowed me to take in her full figure, and let me tell you it was something else.

She sighed, "How's your friend?"

I heard a slight emphasis in her voice, something along the lines that might indicate she knew Avery was more than just a friend. I smiled at the fact that she knew I was a lesbian, "That's actually the good news I was delivering."

She seemed to understand then, and her eyes widened in shock, "They've found a cure?"

I nodded, "Me and doctor Henson have been working on that, it finally paid off."

She slumped into the elevator wall, signifying she was just as shocked as I pictures Max and Gage to be.

Then suddenly the elevator came to a halt, and red emergency lights began to blink. I looked around frantically, not understanding what was going on. The intercom then came on, "Everyone please remain calm, there has been a security breach. Stay where you are, we are handling the situation."

Agent Berkley looked at me, seeming to be calm but anxious with the situation at hand. She spoke, "A security breach?"

I shrugged, wondering what exactly was happening. Who would be trying to break into one of the most confidential places in the United States?

And then suddenly I realized what was going on.

The Government was here.

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