I still think girls are attractive, but even before I met Louis, I was starting to notice guys. Thinking back on it, for about a week before Louis stumbled into the lecture, I had been starting to think things like ‘he has beautiful eyes’ or ‘he has a beautiful smile’ about random guys walking around campus.

I don’t know why I didn’t think anything of it. Heterosexual guys don't notice things about other guys. Oh well, bit late now. I was already with Louis. And he is amazing. He is kind, caring, has a beautiful smile, gorgeous eyes, a caring heart, an amazing sense of humour, smoking body (massive bonus), loving personality, he’s trusting, he’s always surprising me. I just love everything about him. I think… I think I love him.

Chuckling slightly at the rambling going on in my head, I turned the corner into my bedroom to find Louis rubbing his eyes sleepily and his hands searching the bed for me. He looked rather disappointed. Standing in the doorway, I stopped to admire him. His light brown hair was tousled and messy, the light shining on it highlighted the natural almost blonde streaks through his hair. His crystal blue eyes confused and worried and vaguely sad.

His eyebrows were pinched together and his eyes crinkled at the edges, like he was deep in thought. He looked utterly adorable. He began to mumble something under his breath. As he kept saying it, it gradually got louder and more pronounced and I could make out what he was saying. Harry. Harry. Louis was just saying my name over and over again.

I felt my heart swell inside my chest. ‘Lou, babe, I’m right here. Don't stress hun’ he beamed at me like an excited child on Christmas morning. I couldn’t help but smile back. He patted the spot on the bed, next to him, motioning for me to sit with him.

I walked over to him and instead of sitting on the bed, I plopped myself down on his lap, wrapping my arms around his waist. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly and I sighed in total and utter bliss. I just wanted to freeze time right now and never move. I wanted forever in Louis’ arms. He began to play absentmindedly with my hair, tugging gently and massaging my scalp. Nuzzling my head further into the crook of his neck, I sighed again, this time causing Louis to laugh a throaty laugh ‘I can’t believe your mine’ he muttered to himself. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t supposed to hear that but I replied, gazing deeply into his eyes.



The last few days were amazing. Louis and I spent almost every second that wasn’t spent in classes and lectures together. We went walking, we sat and talked, we kissed, I got to know so much more about him, my favourite thing was his strange obsession with carrots. I thought that was funny. Ya know… carrots… gay… he obviously REALLY likes carrots… And even during school hours we were together.  After every lesson, Louis would be at the door as soon as the class was dismissed, and would walk me to my next class before going off to his. As the time passed, I realized how perfect he actually is. He is such a fun-hearted person, almost like a 5 year old. And I know, that I am falling for him.

It’s been about a week and a half since that night at the club, but I still couldn’t seem to get Emily off my mind. Something about her just wasn’t right. She wasn’t acting like she usually did. She didn’t run off when she figured out Lou was gay, and it probably sounds really mean, but that’s just not like her. I can’t help but think she has some sort of a plan to get back at me or something. I know that even though it was pretty mutual, after Georgia and I broke up, Georgia was devastated, and Emily was left to clean up Georgia when I left. It’s ridiculous I know, but I just can’t shake that feeling.

As Lou and I walked through a park on campus, hand in hand, we no longer received the strange looks. At the beginning of our relationship, we had been hesitant to do any PDA’s, afraid of what might be said. But as we spent more time together, we began to not really give a fuck what other people thought of us, as long as we had each other. There was obviously the few homophobes that did disapprove, but they did nothing more than shoot us dirty looks which we just laughed off. I find laughing is the best way to cope with it.

Plus, the looks they try to put on their face are so intense that most fail epically, so they look ridiculously hilarious. So as we walked, we didn’t need to speak. Everything we needed to say, we said through our eyes. I decided, his eyes are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Tying with his smile of course.

Suddenly, I heard a squeal and the light crunching of gravel as someone ran. The sound continued until it was right behind us and someone jumped on my back. I would’ve face planted into the ground if it weren’t for Louis’ strong arms embracing me and holding me up. Even this still sent shivers up my spine. A small smile tugged at his lips and he looked adorable. I lost myself entirely, just looking at him, when I remembered the person that had jumped on my back. Twisting my torso so I could see who it was that jumped on me, I felt myself jump with surprise.

I knew it! I knew she was going to do something! She’s such a little bitch! Oh my fucking God.


The Wrong Direction Ended up Right (Larry Stylinson BoyxBoy AU)Where stories live. Discover now