But as the universe hates me, something contrary happened.

I was on my way to the fifth period when I felt someone grab my arm and pushed me to the wall. I looked up and saw Kyle place his arms at either side of my head, caging me between him. I could feel his body inches away from mine and I felt my throat dry up considerably.

"You've been avoiding me today, I wanna know why," He stared straight into my brown eyes, his eyebrows scrunching.

"I-I haven't." He looked at me closely like he was examining me. He smells like expensive perfume mixed with the faint smell of cigarette smoke.

"Kyle move I can smell smoke on you," I said, trying to push him away with my arms.

Kyle smirked, his turning into a grin.

"So you are feisty, huh Lia?" He stared into my eyes seductively.

"Don't call me that, my name is Lilia," I narrowed my eyes and tried to keep my voice threatening but he sensed the insecurity behind it.

"Okay Lia," He responded, not minding the fact that I just told him five seconds ago not to call me that. The corner of his mouth tugging upwards to form a smirk.

Ugh! I wish I could slap that smirk off his face.

I shoved at his chest which caused no movement from him whatsoever. I huffed in annoyance seeing there's no way I can push him off.

"Kyle move!" I yelled causing a look from by-passer students. He looked around and awarded them with a deathly glare which made them look away.

"What's gotten into you today?" He whispered.

This made me really angry, how dare he act like he cares about me!

"Drop the facade, Kyle. I saw you eating a girl's face today, Helen Keller's."

He looked shocked, he thought I didn't see him. What a jerk! What an arrogant jerk!

"Lia I-" he started.

"Save it, Kyle, I should have known, I should have known the 'us' in the lake was just a fairytale, how could I have thought you would like me? I'm just so stupid. You use girls, that's your freaking hobby & for me to think that you would change for me? Who am I kidding?!" I spoke, tears starting to build up in my eyes.

"Look Lia I-"

I held my hand to his face. "I don't want to hear it." Then I pushed past him & scurried off.

Kyle POV

I've messed up. I've messed up in ways I can't imagine. I thought she was gone. I mean a week?! Hell, I thought she moved out of town. Shit, I should have just waited longer and it wasn't my fault anyway it was that little bitch Helen. He came up to me and stuffed her face in mine pushing her boobs to my side. I couldn't help but glance quickly at it. They were staring right back at me which made me lost & resulted in me kissing her. But I swear, as soon as Lilia popped into my head I stopped kissing her and shoved her away.

I think I actually like Lilia, I mean these past few days have made me know that what I feel for her is kind of real. I shouldn't have kissed that bitch.

You should have seen the way Lilia brought tears to her eyes, it was like a thorn piercing my chest. It was disheartening, I want to love her, not make her cry or look miserable like she looked every day.

Okay, maybe I wasn't supposed to say that.

But it's true. Now how am I going to explain to her?

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