Please! I prayed to anyone that would help. Please help me!   

            Tears were streaming down my cheeks. “Pathetic!” Clarisse spat at my face.

            “Clarisse,” One of them her siblings said- I think his name was Derik. “Maybe she’s had enough.” He said sounding concerned.

            I tried to nod my head, tears running down my cheeks and my eyes pleading with her.

            “Do I need to teach you something too?” Clarisse threatened at Derik. “Ares kids don’t give mercy!”

            Derik nodded fearfully and held onto me but he looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

            Again, Clarisse turned to me and punched me in the stomach letting a sob escaped my lips. Please! I prayed one more time.

            Clarisse drew her fist back to punch me- this time in the face- but a howl erupted through the forest, leaving an eerie echo. Her fist stopped right before she was going to hit my face and she looked around. I closed my eyes and breathed a sigh of relief but nearly jumped out of my skin when we heard the sound again, this time sounding a lot closer.

            The Ares kids looked around, trying to act like they weren’t scared but you could see it in their eyes. The howl ripped through the silence once more and the Ares kids that were holding me dropped me to pull out their swords.

            I fell on my knees and slumped so I was lying on my side groaning from the pain in my stomach.

            This time instead of one howl, more replaced it piercing the air. Faintly I saw over a hundred shadows in the distance. I tried to get up but only fell back down again. I whimpered as I felt another strike of pain flair through my chest.

            Clarisse and her siblings saw the shadows and got in a circle to protect each other’s backs. 

            Snarls and growls were heard and I prayed with all my heart and soul that I would get out of this alive.

            The figures started to approach and soon you could see a huge group of snarling and vicious wolves. They stalked closer until they were forming a circle around the Ares kids.

            Derik as well as his siblings swung their swords, trying to steer the wolves away but they only got closer, their growls getting more menacing. Suddenly, they all stopped and a silver wolf that was bigger than the rest walked through the crowd to stop in front of Clarisse.

            Clarisse pointed the sword at the wolf and the wolf growled and tossed its head as if it was laughing. Clarisse swung the sword at the wolf and this time the wolf snarled deathly at Clarisse, its eyes narrowed at her. The wolf barked and the other wolves started to close in on the Ares kid. The silver wolf then tossed her head in the air and howled. Suddenly the wolves ran towards the three sibling and attacked.

            Swords swung against the wolves but the wolves fought back ruthlessly and soon Clarisse, Derik and the other kid were all pinned down by the wolves, the wolves snarling in their faces and gnashing their teeth at their prey. Occasionally some would run up and bit their leg, or their arm.

            Derik made a small whimper and Clarisse yelled at him to act like a man but the wolf on top of her growled menacingly at her and she shut up with a whimper of her own.

            The wolves looked like they were going to kill them but I couldn’t let that happen. Even though these guys had hurt me, I couldn’t let them die. One death was enough for today.

            “S-stop.” I muttered just as the wolves were going to kill them. I tried to get up but failed miserably and fell back on the ground with a yelp of pain. Surprisingly the silver wolf barked and the wolves stopped attacking the three siblings. The silver wolf looked at me with stunning blue eyes then turned back to look at Clarisse. The wolf growled at her then ran up to a rock that was sticking out from the ground. The rock jutted out so it looked like the rock from “The Lion King”. Silver wolf ran up to it, towering over everyone, and barked. The wolves immediately got off Clarisse, Derik and the other girl.

            Quickly the Ares kids stumbled back trying to get away, their eyes wide. The silver wolf jumped in front of them and growled viciously and howled like it was going to lead a charge. All three siblings yelled and turned around and bolted. The silver wolf snarled as it jumped back on the rock and a few of the other wolves started to follow them, chasing them away.

            I felt a sense of relief that they got away but soon it was gone when the silver wolf looked over at me and locked my gaze.

            My breathing caught in my throat and I swallowed a huge lump. The wolf jumped down from the rock and started walking towards me. I let out a groan as I tried to get up but only fell down once more and smack my head on the ground again, letting out a scream from a rock hitting my, already injured, wound.

            The silver wolf tilted its head and started to come faster towards me. I made a squeak from fear and closed my eyes, tears seeping through them. My eyes were still closed and I whimpered when I felt something breathe down on my face. I waited for death, holding my breath. One second went by, two seconds, three- eight. I opened my eyes and made a soft cry from fear when I saw the wolf’s face inches from mine.

            My eyes closed again, tightly but snapped open when I felt something wet and slightly rough on my cheek. The wolf had just licked my cheek. I let a small sob escaped my lips. The wolf tilted its head then sniffed the air, smelling something. It circled around to the back of me and started sniffing my wounded head that blood was pouring out of it. I closed my eyes and started to cry harder, knowing for sure that I was dead.

            Once again, the wolf trotted in front of me but this time it started to nuzzle my head like a dog. I whimpered at first but soon I realized that it wasn’t doing anything.

            I opened my eyes again to look at the wolf.

            My silver eyes met icy blue eyes and a small gasp escaped my lips from the look in the wolves eyes. The full moon was right over the wolf and seemed to give it an aura from the moonlight. The wolf titled its head and I swear that I could see a worried look in its intelligent eyes. The wolf nuzzled my hand up and made a small whine then started to crawl towards me making me put my limp hand over its back.

            Tears were falling from my face and I let out another cry from the wolf that, moments before, was being so vicious, this close to me.

            My head started to feel even worse, and I could feel darkness consuming my vision. “P-please don’t hurt me.” I whimpered just as my vision started to fade.

            Right before I blacked out I heard someone say, “Never will I hurt you, little star.”

            No one was around except the wolf so the last thing I remember thinking was, I’m nuts. then blacked out. 


A/N: What do you guys think?? Like don't? Comment! Love you all!!


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