“I’m just surprised that’s all.” I said.

            “Well I found out that we have a new camper and I wanted to meet her. She seems cool.”

            “Avery?” I asked and she nodded.

            “I missed dinner when she first came but a ton of people are talking about her. Both the girls and boys.” She made a face, “Especially the boys.”

            I clenched my first and looked to Devin and Zach who mouthed, ‘Told you.’ I shot him a glare and he cowered behind Devin who laughed at Zach being so scared.

            Turning my gaze to Thalia she said, “So who’s the girl? I wanna meet her.”

            “Yeah,” I said smiling, “She’s this way I’ll introduce you guys.”

            We started walking closer to the camp fire and Annabeth caught sight of us. Her face brightened up when she saw us. Jumping from her bench she ran over to us with a smile. “Didn’t think I’d see you here Thalia.”

            Thalia scoffed, “Holy Zeus you guys must think that I just stay in my cabin all day long! I’m not the oracle alright? I don’t just stay in my room and collect dust.”

            “I didn’t mean it like that,” Annabeth defended. “I’m just surprised, that’s all.”

            “Apparently you and Luke think alike.” Thalia smirked and looked over at me. “He said the same thing.”

            I put my hands up in surrender while chuckling. “So what are you here for?” Annabeth asked.

            “I wanted to meet the new girl.” Thalia explained.

            “Oh yeah, Avery.” Annabeth said recognizing who she was talking about. “I’ve heard she’s nice but I haven’t actually met her yet.”

            “Care to join us?” I asked and put my hand out, gesturing towards Avery. She laughed and nodded while we walked over to Avery.

            “Hey Avery!” I called and she stopped talking to her friends and turned to me, smiling. “I want you to meet some of my friends.” I said and gestured her over to us. Avery told her friends to hang on while they said something and she laughed then jogged over her smiling at Thalia and Annabeth.

            “Hi.” She greeted, smiling.

            Both Thalia and Annabeth smiled back while I introduced them. “These are my two best friends-” I stared but both Devin and Zach started coughing. I rolled my eyes, “My two best friends that are girls,” I corrected and both boys had triumphant smiles on their faces. I rolled my eyes again and continued introducing them. “This is Thalia and Annabeth and guys, this is Avery.”

            They all shook hands, “Nice to meet you.” Annabeth said and Thalia nodded.

            “You too.” Avery smiled back. “So are you guys Hermes kids too?”

            Both Annabeth and Thalia shook their heads. “No,” Annabeth responded, “I’m in the Athena cabin and Thalia is in the Zeus cabin.”

            Avery nodded. “That’s cool.”

            “You’re not claimed yet right?” Thalia asked.

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