32. The Late Night

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My concentration wavered and I suddenly remembered that I still missed my ring and would lose my control at night and shift.

Uneasily I stared at the clock as the two kings talked. The Queen sat quietly and listened but she returned to me and gave me a confused look as she probably felt my sudden uneasiness.

King Philip had agreed and he had told us he would make another magical ring to me but he said it would take time and I was scared because I didn't knew how much we would have before someone got really hurt. I had already killed three people since I had lost the ring and I didn't want to add to the list.

"Captain? You don't look very well, tired?" Diamond asked. She probably knew I weren't tired bit she didn't mention it to the men and for that I were thankful.

The kings turned to us and dad gave me a worried look "You should rest, we're done anyway so you're free to go" he said and I nodded.

He turned to look at the clock and paled when he understood what my problem was. He quickly turned to me and mouthed Hurry.

Concentrating on my breathing I slowly rose from my seat and made my way to the door.

I left the room without looking back and hurried down corridors. As I came closer to my own room I met anxious guards, they didn't know what would happen only that I needed to be back in my room before midnight or else someone would get hurt.

A bead if sweat broke out on my forehead and I felt my control slip as my beastly instincts took over and I almost changed into hunting mode when I heard the guards footsteps as they followed close behind me.

Only one corridor left and then I would be in my room, my visions began to blur, faster than usual because of my panic and slipping control.

When I turned the corner I spotted a Peron I had always disliked, Jadeline. The spoiled rich nobleman daughter.

She had corrupted the other judges and trainers every other years but as I'm a female and immune she has tried other ways to win and when that didn't work she had tried to get rid of me.

She always pisses me off and that together with my decreasing control was the only thing that needed to make me snap.

When I shifted into the vicious beast I had always hated and everything went black I knew I wouldn't feel remorse when I woke up if she would be the one to get hurt.

If Jadeline was my prey, if she was my victim I wouldn't mind at all.


Startled I woke up when the wolves began howling. They were howling at the top of their lungs and was running around like maniacs.

They had stopped to do that some days ago and I knew something was different.

Something had happened.

The rest of the night I spent listening to the guards running footsteps as they thumped against the stone floor in the corridors outside and the frantic shouting that belonged .to them.

Would Ruby be up and try to fix the problem?


When I awoke at the morning tied to the bed in my room and covered in blood I didn't remember how I had ended up there or what had happened after I had left the two kings and the queen behind.

My father was the only one in the room and the grim look in his face reminded me of the other times I had woken up like this and heard of the deaths I had caused.

"Dad?" I asked quietly. My voice was hoarse and u felt ashamed by what I did, I knew I couldn't control it bit I caused so much trouble and I was nothing but a shame to him.

He rose from the chair and walked to me, his eyes were brimmed with tears and I felt my own eyes tear up.

"Dad what happened?" I asked and just like last time he sat down at the side of the bed and patted my hand reassuringly as if to tell me everything was alright when we both knew it wasn't.

"Five seriously hurt and being healed at the hospital two of them competitors and two deaths, one guard and a competition" he said bluntly.

He knew I didn't like sugarcoating or tiptoeing around the situation. I wanted the real information in strict talk but it still hurt to know what I had done.

I stared up at him in panic "Your Jasper is alright, he was at his room the whole time" he said as he understood what I thought of.

Sighing out loud in relief I sank back into the bed again and felt exhausted. I had no reason to feel relief bit I did, Jasper wasn't hurt and I Karlee it was selfish but I would rather it was someone else than him.

"You can rest today, we can take a pause from the training today with reason from the deaths. Everything has been covered up" he said and I snapped back up again.

"There's no need to cancel the training today, I will be okay" I told him. I couldn't stay in my room and rest all day, I would go mad. My guilt would eat me up I needed a distraction.

No, I thought with sudden sadness. What I really needed was Jasper but I had destroyed everything between us now.

Then guilt flooded my mind again as I thought of the other thing Garnet had told me. It had been covered up.

They had silenced the guards that knew the truth in different ways and they had found something to blame the nights events on.

No one would know I had killed them, no one would know the truth of what had really happened. Their deaths would be a lie.

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